Part one

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"Ve." I look over in the direction I heard my name get called. "Oh, hello Swiss. What can I do for you?" I say politely with a small bow. He bows back a little and smiles. "Nothing for me but Sodo is in need of assistance. You see, uh, he's, how do I say this?" I furrow my brow and confusing as I continue to place books back on the shelf. "Don't tell me he's gotten hurt again. I always tell him he needs to be less chaotic but Satan know this ghoul is a walking hazard at times." An awkward chuckles is given by Swiss as he rubs the back of his neck. "He's fine, Sister. It's just he's in...heat." That single word runs a chill up my spin.

"Swiss would you mind?" I point to a book a bit out of my reach that I needed. He easily takes the book into his clutch and passes to me which I place on my cart.

"How bad is it?" I question as I avert my eye contact. "I couldn't really say. We aren't allowed to be around his because he might trigger someone else." I nod. "Does Sister Imperator know?" He nodded. "Who do you think isolated him off." Make sense. "Alright. I'll text him and then go check on him soon. Wish me luck." He let out a breath of relief. "He keeps asking for you." I smile. "That's sweet but I can't just drop duties to be with him. If I could I would." I state simply as I began to push my cart and Swiss follows. "I could talk to Sister Imperator to see if you can just switch with someone for now." I grab my phone from my pocket and text Sodo.

Me: heard the news. how are you feeling?


Dewy: I need you please. Fuck it hurts so bad please V baby.

I frown.

"Would you? That would be nice of you Swiss." He smiles. "Anything for you." I place my phone down and hug the ghoul. "Thank you." He hugs back and kisses my head. "I'll text you, alright." I nod and release him from my embrace. He head off and I look back at my phone.

Ping. Ping. Ping.

Dewy: Fucking Lucifer I just want to fuck you.
Dewy: What are you doing? And can't it wait?
Dewy: You know I'll make it worth while.

I blush.

Me: Swiss is gonna talk to Sister Imperator about excusing me from duties to see you. He just left so you're gonna have to be patient love.

Dewy: I don't want to wait. I wanna feel you tight wall against my cock right now

Me: Dewdrop!

Dewy: hehe 👅🍆🍆💦💦😈

I focus myself back to my duties. Putting books back where they belong, grabbing books I needed to check and stamp, writing down books that were taken out already as I go.

Swiss cheese: You're clear. Sister Misa will take your place.

Me: You're a lifesaver 💛

*Swiss cheese* has like the message.

I make my way to my room to change into something more comfortable before heading down to the ghoul chamber to see the ghouls and Dewy. "Always good to see you, Vanessa." I smile. "Same to you, Sunshine." Rain nods to me as a greeting when he passes by and I return the gesture. "Where's-" Sunshine cuts me off. "He's in the last chamber at the end of the hall. Have fun." She winks and nudges me. "I have condoms if you need one." Mountain yells out. "Haha. Fuck y'all." I joke and flip them off as I walk away. "Looks like Sodo beat us to it." I blush and keep walking.

I stand outside the door for a second before the door swings open, startling me, next thing I knew I was pulled in the room and the door was shut behind me. "Hello my love." I was pushed against the door. "Hello Dewdrop." I smile as my chest heaves a bit in anticipation. "You smell of Swiss." He states as he burries his head in my neck. "I hugged him earlier." My breath hitch when I feel his wet warm tongue trace my pulse point. "Missed me?" I nod my head quickly as pleasure begins to slicken me and Dew's warmth radiate through my body. "Satan all mighty I'm going to ruin you." He growls softly. "Ruin me please." I mutter.

He scoops me up by the back of my ass in one swift motion, making me wrap my legs around his waist, his boner pressing into my core, the friction making me hum. I quickly dispose of my shirt as he leads up to the bed. "Good girl. Already so ready to be used." Licking his lips, he placed me down on the bed and soon slides his hands down my pants. Shoving two fingers deep inside me without any warning, I hiss but soon adjust and find pleasure in fingers begin to move at a quick pave. My hips squirm and thrusted into his hand with such need to feel more. "If I didn't know any better. I'd say you're the one in heat." He chuckles at my reaction to him. Pulling out his fingers, I whine at the lost of contact and look up at him.

"First, suck my dick and make me cum and I'll let you cum as many times as you want in any way your want." I never slid off a bed faster and onto my knees in my life. "Look at you. Such a good girl." I look up at him through my lashes while my hands easily worked his belt and pants off with urgency. "What a sight." He says amused. I yank his tight pants down, throwing his belt to the side and he kicks his pants off behind him. "Take that cock princess." I lick my lips in anticipation, admire his boner in his boxers, I pull them down slowly with my teeth to tease him, my nose brushing his hard and making him hiss. "Minx." He mutter as his hand meets the back of my head. I let his boxers pool down by his ankles, quickly averting my attention back to his raging red cock that dripped for attention and touch. "I see you missed me a lot." I take his rosey tip into my mouth before he could utter a smart remark back making him moan instead. "Mmm you taste so good Sodo."

He loved when I referred to his as Sodo since I was the only person who usually called him Dewdrop. The ghoul had many names honestly.

I see him member pulse with excitement. I lick strips on the under side of his cock, his head falls back, his hand tightening his grip, and I continue to taste him. Letting saliva pool on my tongue, I spit on his tip, taking my hand and rubbing it down the top of his cock. "Fuck please V baby. You're so fucking hot but just put it in your warm little mouth." He whimpered. I decide to not fight him since he was in heat and take him into my mouth. That erupted a deep moan from his chest out into the hot air around us. "Yes, just like that." He mutter. His hips impulsively rutted forward in need to chase his high making me gag as I bobbed my head. "Fuck it's so warm." He throws his head back and combs his fingers through my hair in an attempt to control himself. I grab his hand, placing it on the back of my head and squeeze his hand softly indicating that he could be use me as he pleased. His grip tightens on my hair, his hips thrust at a hesitant pace and I do my best to relax my throat to make it more pleasurable for him. "Atta girl." He mutter as he quickly and confidently finds a pace. I hallow my cheeks, sucking and swallowing our liquid mixture, my hands cupping the back of his thighs to balance myself. My name along with other curse words and satanic prayers fell from his lips like no tomorrow as he mindlessly fucked my throat.

Looking up at his through my lashes, his skin began to glow with sweat, his fangs softly dug into the skin of his lips before falling agape to silent screams of pleasure, and his eyes fighting to stay open as he glanced down at the sight of me. A fucking mess. "Holy hell. Vanessa! Vanessa please fuck. Please." He begged aimlessly as he released neared. His thrust becoming sloppy, saliva and precum dripped down from my chin hitting the floor below us, his grip tightening to the point of pain but Satan it felt so fucking good. "I'm gonna cum." His cock warned me with two throbbing pulses before Dewy burries himself deep down my throat he could push himself and spills. He rocks his hips a little, I soothing run my hands up and down the back of his thighs as I let him ride out his orgasm and swallow the cum he gifted my throat with. The contraction of my throat when I swallowed make his cock twitch before he pulls out of my mouth with a pop and I smile up at him. "That was fucking amazing. You took me so well." The back of my throat hurt a bit from the abuse. Dewy helps me to my feet before wiping away tears I didn't realize I'd shedded before kissing me softly. "Now, what would you like first baby." He puts on a wicked smile.

Sodo in heatWhere stories live. Discover now