Part Two

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I take Dew's hand, leading him to the bed before pushing him down to lay and he smirks. "Oh, want to be on top, now do we?" He teased. "Shut that pretty little mouth of yours or I'll give you something to shut it with it." A fire wave of desire crawls up Dewdrop's spine making him squirm and shutter. I turn away from his swinging my hips more to give him a little show, slowly peeling my pants from my skins, throwing to the side and turning back to face my lover.

His cock now stood hard and at attention to such a simple strip tease and I couldn't help but to giggle. "You're so fucking hot." He sits up when I approach him, his hands meeting my hips instantly and tugging to be closer to him. "Would you like to do the honors my love?" He looks up at me, chin pressing into my stomach and his eyes lust filled. "Of course." He smirks. His hands slowly travel from my hips to the waistline of my panties, hooking his finger around each side, he places a kiss on my stomach not breaking his eyes contact and slides my panties down my legs. I kick them off easily, placing myself in his lap so we were eye level to each other, his hands hook around my body and remove my bra next. "I could have you like this all day." He throws my bra to the side with the rest of our discarded clothes and I work off his shirt that he was left in. "I could say the same for you, Sodo." I push the shirt off his shoulder, slowly tracing down his arms as I slide the material for his body and he closer laying kisses on my neck.

I run my hands up his chest before I push him down on the bed and he lets out a huff. I lean down meeting his lips for a sloppy and desired kiss, my hand softly tracing from his chest to his neck and I grab him by the neck. His moans falls short on my lips and I smirk into the kiss. "Are you my good boy, Sodo?" His hips buck to meet mine as he lets out a needy noise and nods his head vigorously. "Use your words." I lay kisses on his jaw making him tilt his head back. "Yes. Yes, I'm your good boy, Vanessa." His voice comes out like a whine and I feel him squirm under me. "Do something please. It hurts again." I smile. "Don't worry baby. I'll take care of you." I slide my free hand between us, wrapping my fingers gently around his cock once more, I rub his tip through my folds earning a moan from Dewdrop before I align him with my entrance. "Fuck. Please." He begs. I slowly lower myself down on him, inch by inch brushing my gummy walls, I swallow him in and he can't do anything but groan at the feeling. "So fucking warm and soft." His hand grips my hips tightly enough that there would be bruises and I sit up.

Placing both hands on his chest as I push myself down all the way, letting him fill me all the way up and a strangled moans falls from lips. My head falls back, chest heaving in anticipation, I give myself a second before I push myself up a couple of inches and slam myself back down. "Yes Ve. Just like that." He praises. I bite down on my lip as I begin to go faster and faster with my pace, strings of moans and groans falling from both of us, and the air falls to a thick hot temperature. My hands pressed to his chest tightly, my nails digging crescents shapes into his skin but it just fuels his desire.

"Sodo." I moan his name like a mantra. He sits up, hands pressing to the bed as he thrusts his hips to match my thrust, my breast bounce at the momentum, and my moans grow louder. He hips and cock slamming into me like a piston, hitting spot I didn't even know he could and tears form in my eyes from the pleasure. "You take me so fucking good." He hits a bundle of nerves within me making me feel brain dead with pleasure. "Right there. Please f-fu-uck." My head can't focus on anything other than the feeling my body felt, my stomach burned with arousal, the coil in my core easily ready to snap at any given point. "S-sodo. I-I cum. So close." My words barely able to form past my lips but he knew. He knew everything about me, what made me cum, what made me wet, what made me scream, everything.

His thrust don't give out, thank Satan he was a ghoul with hella stamina, sweat glistening both of our skin and I practically screamed with pleasure as he tipped me over to my release. The coil tearing apart in my core, my body tensing, walls squeezing around Dewdrop's cock only triggering him to cum as well and he ride us out our orgasms. Dew's body hits the bed once more, his arms finally giving out as he finishes his mind shattering orgasm, my arms instinctively catch myself before I just fall on top of him and I laugh a little.

"Satan down below that felt good." He nods. "Again?" I shrug. "We don't have to. It's just well." He presses his boner to me. "Already!? You just came." He laughs. "I'm a ghoul. What did you expect?" I kiss him. "Alright, we can go again but I still get to pick the position again." He smirks. "Anything you want princess." I slowly guide myself from a top of him, pushing myself to my feet where I feel how weak my legs actually were and he sits up. "You okay?" I nod. "Middle of the bed. On your knees." He laughs. "Yes ma'am." He does as he was told, I join him soon, with my back turn to him, I get on my hands and knees in front of him, his hands find my hips and his knees settle between my legs. "Look at that pretty ass." He spanks my ass and I wiggle my ass for him. "Such a pretty little lady." He kisses my cheek before guiding himself back inside of me.

I hum with pleasure, feeling our mix leak down my thighs from our previous orgasm and my arch my back at the idea that soon there will be more of a mess. He wraps his hand in the end of my hair, pulling as he thrusts, my head falling back and I moan at the feeling of my scalp stringing. His thrust are different this time, he rougher, making sure to hit that spot that made me clench around him, slowly brushing every inch of my inside he could. His tip just left inside before he shoved himself back into me with such momentum that my body thrusts forward. "Fucking hell." My hands gripped into the sheets tightly as I prepared myself for thrust after thrust, the pleasure shivering up my spine each time.

I could only imagine how Dewdrop looked, eyes fixated on my core watching himself get buried in my walls, his chest glowing in sweat as it heaved up and down, fangs catching his lips while moans still manage to come from his chest, head tilt back on the verge of falling back but won't because he loves the show he has. Watching the girl he loves bend over in front of him, his hand in her hair making her moan his name along with other profanity, her eyes rolling back with each tug of her hair and her body calling to him for more. Something in his brain short circuit, heat burns at his stomach and he slides his hand from my hips to between my shoulder blades, pressing me into the sheets below us, his hips rutting a faster pace in such a sloppy way that made her bury her face in the sheets. "Keep squeezing me just like that princess." He growls it and that command alone makes me clench. This fast and rough pace doesn't keep up for long before Dewdrop buries himself deep inside me, his hands pinning mine down to the bed, his body like a puzzle piece as it connected to mine as he spills deep in me. A warm feeling spilling down my thighs as they softly shoke from the intention, the noise released from Dew is almost animalistic as he rides out his orgasm. "You're so good." He muttered, his head in a daze.

He pulls out from me, sitting back on his knees as he watches his cum drip from my pussy with a wide smirk on his face. I slide myself down, finally letting my stomach hit the bed below me and hum with satisfaction. "You alright love?" He questions as he taps my side. "I'm good." I roll over so I'm on my back and look at Dewdrop. He grabs my waist, pulling me closer to him and leans down to kiss my stomach. "How about one more time?" I shake my head. "I don't think I could handle another fuck like that." I laugh. "Alright princess. Rest. You did so well." I nod.

Sodo in heatWhere stories live. Discover now