Chapter Twenty-Six

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Chapter 26

Millie was woken by Hermione, "Morning Millicent, quite a few of us start the day off with some training and we wondered if you wanted to join us. It will just be a light session today after the workout yesterday and we always feel better after it."

Millie had agreed before she caught sight of what Hermione was wearing, noticing where she was looking Hermione answered the unasked question, "don't worry, Winky will get you kitted out until we can get some shopping done today."

This was how Millicent Bulstrode found herself enjoying jogging along the beach in a crop top and shorts with her hair drawn back in a ponytail, she made quite the sight.

Emma Granger thought some parents should be shot; here was a young girl with an obvious self-esteem problem because of her size and features yet there was absolutely nothing wrong with her body.

She was about six feet tall with really broad muscular shoulders that tapered down to a slim waist, her arms and legs were again heavily muscled but her chest signified this person was all girl. The wizarding robes she wore fitted her at the shoulders then just hung straight down, giving the impression she was fat when nothing could be further from the truth.

Millicent obviously knew about hair removal but had never thought to trim her eyebrow into two distinct entities, instead of the one she had at the moment, her facial features were more chiselled than smooth but with some make-up it would really make a big difference.

She would never be a classic beauty but when she smiled or laughed her inner self shone through and with a body that any distance swimmer would be proud of Millicent was definitely no ogre.

Thanks to Millicent killing the snake they were able to suggest bringing the first task forward as they didn't need to go hunting for it, hopefully by next Saturday night it would all be over.

Harry was certain this was why Amelia was pushing for the Order of Merlin, First Class, as she didn't now need to have aurors carrying out the extremely dangerous task of combing the country searching for the beast.

He was sure Riddle would still be holed up in the old family place and their original plan if it wasn't killed beforehand called for a mass attack timed as he was losing his powers, this had worked out so much better. As it was only magic that was keeping the squirrel body alive, removing it should end Riddle's life without endangering anyone else.

Millie was really having a good time, the fact that these people were all doing this exercise to tone their bodies was a stunning revelation to the pureblood, she'd always considered herself a freak for having all these muscles yet here were women and girls who Millie considered to be beautiful working out to get them.

When they did some light work on the dummies she was amazed to see Hermione and Luna move like that and the power behind their attacks opened up a whole new world for the girl. Harry taught her a few moves and before long Dobby had to reinforce her dummy, when Millie timed it right the poor mannequin kept loosing it's head. Had she caught Bellatrix like she had intended last night there would have been one less death eater to worry about, she was easily stronger than Neville and probably rivalled Remus.

It was a very happy Millie who headed off to get her shower, she'd really enjoyed her morning so far and the girls were all excited about taking her on their shopping trip, allowing Millie to keep Ron at the back of her mind for now.


Ron hadn't slept much, watching the pensieve as Millie saved him again and again had become almost hypnotic. It was her face he couldn't take his eyes off, the expression when she let that bitch Lestrange have it turned immediately to one of concern as she tried to free him followed by devotion as she lifted him on to her shoulder and tried to get them out of there. She loved him so much yet all he had bothered about was new robes and stupid possessions, letting the real treasure she offered him slip through his fingers because he was too frigging stupid to understand what she meant to him. Ron couldn't even eat the breakfast that had been provided as his whole body was in turmoil trying to work out how he could fix this.

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