Chapter 5

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The next day or more like next night Mizuki ended up with a high Fever Reiji knew this was the affects of the potion

Mizuki obviously couldn't go to school so someone stayed how to watch him

It ended up being Shu since we all knew he was to lazy to even go to school

Mizuki constantly moaned in pain feeling either to cold or to hot and the headache wasn't helping

Shu tried to keep the blanket on him but nothing seemed to be working

Mizuki refused to drink the medicine or take the pills for some reason (*CoughTraumaCough*)

"Mizuki if you want to feel better you've gotta take the medicine" Shu said tiredly

Mizuki shook his head furiously

Tired of Mizuki's refusal Shu did the only thing he knew how to do

Shu grabbed the medicine put some in his mouth grabbed Mizuki's chin and kissed him forcing the medicine down his throat

Mizuki's face turned as red as a tomato

"Heh such a Lewd man" Shu said chuckling

"How am i the lewd one you just kissed me!?!?" Mizuki shouted out only to start coughing due to his throat being sore

Shu handed Mizuki a bottle of water and watched as he chugged it down like he hadn't had any in centuries which is false considering he had some less then an hour ago

Shu watched as Mizuki sucked down the bottle as fast as possible

Eventually Mizuki finished the water with the bottle now empty

Shu smiled slightly

Shu then stood up and crawled into the bed and laid down behind Mizuki and spooned him

"What are you doing?" Mizuki asked as he turned his head to look at Shu only to find Shu's head in the crook of his neck

"Mmm sleep" Shu said tiredly as his breathing slowed down Shu was falling asleep

Mizuki felt warm but not to warm just enough

Mizuki laid there wondering if he was even aloud to sleep
If the nightmares would return

Shu slowly moved his hands and hugged Mizuki tightly

"Go to sleep.." he whispered into Mizuki's ear

"Hmm don't know if i can.." Mizuki whispered quietly

"Why?" Shu asked as he half opened his bright blue eyes

"Nightmares.." Mizuki quietly whispered that one word

"I won't let them get to you" Shu said as he kissed Mizuki's head that held fluffy gray hair

Fun fact about Mizuki

Mizuki was born with white hair but slowly his hair darkened to a now dark gray almost black
His eyes were also originally white but turned to a red color it was quite beautiful actually it reminds him of blood and roses lovely colors the were

Fun fact over

Mizuki's eyes slowly closed as his dreams were plagued by nothing but darkness
There were no nightmares
There were no dreams at all

It was one of the best sleeps Mizuki's has had in a long time

Shu let Mizuki rest as he got up and went to see his brothers were home

He teleported to the couch where Ayato was first found by Yui in the begging of their arrival

As soon as the doors opened he knew they sensed him

"Shu how is Littl eBunng-Chan?" Laito asked as he was the first to speak up

"Asleep.." Shu answered quietly

"Did he take his medicine?" Reiji asked hoping it was a yes

"Mhm" Shu hummed in response to the question

"That's good does he seem to be making any recoveries?" Reiji asked again

"How should i know I'm not a doctor" Shu said as he sat up instead of laying down like he had originally

"I'll check on him later" Reiji sighed as he headed up to his laboratory but stopped in the middle of the steps

"One more thing none of you are to Bother Mizuki while he is sick and no drinking his blood otherwise you might end up getting sick" Reiji said as he glared at the triplets who instantly frown in disappointment

Reiji then headed to his room to get some work done as the others wondered around

Yui however had a different plan

She went up the stairs and head towards Mizuki's room where he was staying

However Laito noticed and decided to involve himself

"Bitch-Chat i believe Reiji told us to leave Bunny-San to rest" Laito said smirking like normally

"Oh i just wanted to see him and make sure he was ok" Yui said smiling nervously

"Then I'll join you" Laito said smirking

"No that's alright I'll just visit real quick then leave" Yui said really trying to get Laito to leave them

"Fine then" Laito said frowning slightly

Yui quickly walked towards Mizuki's door and went in

She closed the door quietly

She then walked over to the bed where Mizuki's sleeping figure was 

She straddled Mizuki then slowly she moved towards his neck

She wrapped her tiny hands around his neck and slowly put pressure on it till he couldn't breathe

"This is what you get you monster" Yui whispered sinisterly

Suddenly Mizuki's eyes shot open and he pushed Yui to the floor and held her there as his eyes held something different

He held her hands above her head and her legs straddled by his legs

She tried screaming but she couldn't

Mizuki's eyes were now a dark violet his hair also seemed to be darker

Then suddenly the door bursted open and in came Reiji, Laito, and Ayato

Laito had told Reiji about what Yui had been doing

"Me Komori this unacceptable behavior you are to be punished this instant!" Reiji yelled out

Mizuki looked at them as he continued to hold Yui's neck

"Mr Mizuki get off her this instant!" Reiji said finally noticing what was happening

Mizuki looked at Yui in the eyes one final time before getting off her and sitting on the bed feeling weakened

He rubbed his head as a headache formed

Slowly his eyes returned to cherry red by his hair stained dark as a ravens feather

Eventually Mizuki passed out due to exhaustion

He stayed asleep for weeks on end never once waking up until that day

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