Chapter 27.4 - Think Carefully

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After hearing her state that her nose was uncomfortable in water, Jungkook knew that it had to be choking. He recalled her trouble past.

He couldn't help touching her head, "You won't feel uncomfortable in water anymore".

Little Lisa said with a rueful smile, "I feel so comfortable now".

Jungkook thought for a while, then he said, "So, let's go down into the water a bit".

Currently they perched themselves atop the uppermost step. The water only went up to their knees, and their upper bodies were exposed to the bite of the frigid wind.

Little Lili considered the importance of Jungkook's words. She always listened to his venerable advice. So, the two took a step forward. But this time, they sat down. The water reached up their chests.

It felt similar to a large, warm quilt swathing itself around them.

Lisa submerged her hand into the water. Due to its buoyancy, Lisa saw her hand floating on the water's surface. She widened her eyes in astonishment.

Jungkook imitated her childish and curious actions. He also submerged his hands into the water and allowed them to float on the surface.

Then, they began to submerge and soak in the warmth of the hot spring.

Further away, Hoseok and Rose were floating on the water. Their mothers helped them float on the surface of the water.

Mother Bae observed her daughter and Jungkook soaking in the water. The sight of them caused a tempest of joy and ebullience to swell in her heart. She was glad that she had enrolled Lisa in a school instead of homeschooling her. She was worried that she would be bullied.

Jungkook listened attentively to Lisa talk about anything and everything. Such as how adults didn't dread water. Or how it turned out that adults felt no discomfort in water, whereas every child felt uncomfortable in water.

Jungkook frowned. Originally, Jungkook deduced that Lisa wanted to go into the water for her mother's sake. Now, this proved him wrong. Apparently, her mother told her that children felt discomfort in the hot spring, whereas adults didn't.

Jungkook peered at Lisa, and he suddenly realized that she was going to dive when she was going into the water.

Jungkook had trouble envisioning it. He hesitated for a brief moment and asked. "Lili....why did you suddenly want to leap into the water just now?"

Lisa felt a little nescient, and after mulling a bit, she whispered, "I thought children would become uncomfortable in water, so I wanted the adults to find out about this and stop children from entering the water".

Jungkook recalled her arduous efforts to procure a little, red flower to him.

Jungkook was an intelligent and wise child. He never considered himself to be a child. Because he had more contact with children, he never believed the saying that 'children were angles'.

If anything, he believed that children had much more in common with demons. They were self-centered. They did whatever they wanted without thinking about the consequences. They satiated their own rapacious desires. As long as it was for their own happiness and joy, they couldn't care less for the feelings of others.

But he also understood the reason behind this. It was because they were unable to differentiate between right and wrong and couldn't discipline themselves. They had to slowly learn about these things which was a fundamental principal of self-improvement and moving onwards.

It was the first time he realized that he could've been wrong after witnessing Lisa's inclination towards self-sacrifice.

The warmth of the hot springs swathed Jungkook, and he felt the same warmth enveloping his heart.

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