Part 1.0- Dumb Rookies

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Your p.o.v (I will be writing in 1st person although it's still your pov! Sorry it'll end up better If I write it in 1st person!) I really hope you enjoy this:) love you:D!!!!! Btw in this series Levi is 20

Y/N= Your name

H/C= Hair Color

E/C= Eye color

H/L= Hair length

F/N= First name

L/N= Last name

Ps- I added my own twist on the training ground thing:)
All rights to this sort goes to the creator!


I breathed in the crisp morning air and patted down my training uniform. 'This is it..... Scout Regiment training, no turning back now' I thought to myself as I looked at the large training grounds with girls and boys my age all conversing about their new lives. I took in another deep breath and braced myself to enter my new life. Each step towards the training ground felt heavy but, when I finally reached the grounds I felt like a burden was being lifted off my shoulders, suddenly I felt like like a new person with new ambitions and hopes for the future.

I plastered a smile on my face and looked around frantically for another person to talk with. I searched for a guy or girl who was alone that I could befriend. That's when I saw a girl with bright red-orange hair standing alone, looking slightly lonely. I quickly paced over to the girl. When she saw me her bright blue eyes lit up like stars. She smiled real wide.

"Oh my goodness! Hi! I'm Lillie!" Lillie said happily shaking my hand. I smiled at her actions.

"Hi! I'm Y/N," I said shaking her hand back.

We just stood there like smiling idiots for a moment before she finally spoke, "Which part of town ya from?" Lillie asked in a preppy tone. I slicked my hair back nervously.

"I kind of just wander around in Sina, my family isn't around anymore they died about four years ago when the wall fell." I said with a hint of sadness in my voice. Lillie looked down at the dirt covered ground.

"Same here, anyway.....," Lillie said trailing off, "We should go meet all the Captains and get our forms and stuff, Y/N." Lillie said walking towards the Mess Hall area, I quickly follwed behind the petite girl.

We walked all the way to the Mess Hall simply admiring the Grounds. The grounds were simply amazing in my eyes, the Grounds were right by a beautiful forest that contained trees and things of that sort, the dorms were awesome because they reminded me of my old house (dome-shaped with wooden doors), I also simply adored the smell of pine, flowers of a wide variety overgrew everything and ommited a pleasant lavender like scent.

We reached the dome-shaped Mess Hall. Boys and girls were crowded around the building chattering about the captains.

"That one captain Levi is stone cold!" One girl shouted

"That Erwin guy is so nice!" Another girl shouted.

'Levi is stone cold..... I should make note of these things'

"Ready, Y/N?" Asked Lillie. I nodded in response as we walked into the Mess Hall.

People were all crowded around different tables with different captains.

Lillie looked straight at a certain captain, "I'm gonna go over to Levi, I heard he's stone cold! I wanna see for myself." Lillie said walking over to Levi's table.

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