Part 1.1- Awkward Hand-to-Hand

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Woooooo!!! Second chapter! Enjoy your P.O.V (Still being written in 1st person)
All rights go to the creator of Attack on titan!

Sunlight flooded into my room, waking me up slowly to a cool, beautiful morning. I yawned as I began to gain more consciousness. When I obtained full awareness, I realized everyone else was sound asleep and all cozy in their beds. I smirked as I watched Lillie snore lightly and Zael curled up in a fetal position, sound asleep.
I thought I might as well go to the Mess Hall and see if anyone else was awake. So I got dressed into my training uniform and quietly tip-toed out onto the dewy morning grass. The dorms were very still in the morning, I simply adored the quiet lull of them in the mornings. Nothing other than the cheerful chirping of birds was to be heard. I arrived at the large Mess Hall. Everything was quiet, beautiful and serene until I saw.....him.
There he was, the stoic Corporal Levi leaned up against the wall of the Mess Hall with his usual blank expression.
"Cadet L/N, come over here right now." Levi commanded as I rushed over to him. I stood there a moment as he looked me up and down.
"Yes Corporal?" I asked looking him up and down.
'My god he has good physique' I thought shamefully as I checked him out.
"I have to train you in hand-to-hand combat, by orders of Commander Erwin," Levi said angrily, "don't even think that I volunteered for this shit, Cadet L/N." He said lifting himself off the wall.
"What if I don't want to train with you?" I spat. He groaned.
"I don't want to do this either!" he hissed, "I hate this as much as you do Brat!".
I sighed and rubbed my temples, "Alright whatever, I need to eat first." I said attempting to walk into the Mess Hall only to be stopped by a cold hand on my shoulder.
"What is your problem!" I exclaimed angrily. He gritted his teeth and stared at me with his steel-grey eyes.
"Don't make me wait Cadet." Levi said through gritted teeth. I rolled my eyes.
"Just eat with me! Seriously it's not like we're dating," I mumbled. Levi rolled his eyes and follwed behind me closely. I could feel his warm breath on the back of my neck.
I wanted to snap him in half, hurt him, hell! I would have loved that! But, I couldn't bring myself to lay a finger on him and it frustrated me to no end. I felt like my emotions for him were scattered everywhere in my brain, it irked me.
Levi sat down at a table near the door and stared at the other wall with his usual angry look. I went to the lunch line area only to be greeted by Erwin's smiling face.
"Good morning, Cadet L/N, how are you and Levi doing with training?" He asked grabbing a muffin. I took a deep breath and smiled and grabbed a muffin.
"Oh you know, he's being a little difficult like usual." I said smiling. Erwin chuckled dryly.
"Well, it seems he's warming up to you quite well, I haven't seen him like this with anyone since Isabel and Farlan." He said walking towards the table where Levi sat.
Isabel and Farlan?
I walked over to where Erwin was going to sit and plopped down next to him. He immediately gave Levi an angry glare.
"So are you giving Y/N a hard time?" Erwin asked taking a bite of his muffin with an eyebrow raised.
"Tch, not yet, she's been fairly obedient so far," He said giving me a death glare. "I want her to stay in my dorm until the hand-to-hand combat training is over, it's an absolute pain to walk through those obnoxious dorms." Levi said flatly. I widened my eyes at Levi's suggestions.
'oh my god what if he....' I thought as my brain raced a mile a minute, thinking of every possible scenario that may happen if I move in the Lance Corporal Levi.
"I'll only stay with him if Lillie and Zael can stay!" I blurted out loudly making Erwin and Levi direct their attention towards me. "Sorry Commander, I'm just not comfortable staying with him unless I have some of my closer friends with me." I said apologetically. Levi looked annoyed, jealous, angry, and offended all at once.
"What do you think I would do to you Cadet? It's not like I would touch you." Levi said bluntly. I rolled my eyes.
"I think that Cadet L/N is right, she needs closer friends with her." Erwin interjected. Levi groaned. Erwin stared him right in the eyes.
LEVI POV●●●♡♡♡°°°●●●♡♡♡°°°
Honestly, the only reason I wanted Y/N in my dorm is so I could grow closer to her, so then maybe I could get her into my squad quicker and so we wouldn't have so many problems while training.
"Y/N is going to stay with you and she's going to bring Lillie and Zael with her, that's final, I'll relay the information to Zael and Lillie, you two go train...NOW." Erwin hissed at Levi.
Levi quickly got up from his seat and grabbed my upper arm and dragged me out of the Mess Hall, I didn't even fight it.
"You're such a stupid brat." Levi muttered as he stormed over to the combat training area. He released his grip on my arm and forcefully pushed me across from him so I was facing him.
"Stand straight," Levi said quietly. I slumped over to piss him off. He growled.
"Stand straight Cadet!" He yelled extremely loudly, I quickly stood straight as a board. He walked over to me and walked around me, inspecting me from head-to-toe. He grabbed my right thigh sending an odd sensation of pleasure through my whole leg. He moved it over, about shoulder width apart. He then moved over to my other leg and did the same thing, he even sent the same pleasure pulsing through my leg. Levi then moved my arms out and balled them into fists. He then grabbed my hips and firmly moved my body down to to the point where my knees were bent. He then took my chin and lifted it up to his face, "If you ever disobey me again so help me I will punish you," Levi whispered into my ear he retracted from my ear a moment and stared me straight in the eyes, "Now this, Cadet, is a proper combat stance." He said flatly, moving to the side of me.
"Now what, Captain," I said in a somewhat sarcastic tone. He clicked his tongue.
"Punch the air," he said. I looked at him a moment.
"I'll look stupid, Corporal." I said dryly.
"Cadet, I don't fucking care, do what I say." Levi commanded. I rolled my eyes and began to punch the air. Levi trotted up behind me, "You're doing it wrong brat," Levi spat as he put one arm around my waist and with the other, took my arm and pulled it back and then made it punch the air.
There was no denying that being this close to Levi flustered me a little. I could feel the warmth of his skin, his firm grasp on my waist and hand. I felt sparks and electricity in that moment of utmost pleasure with him. I wished I wasn't feeling this amazing pleasure....especially with Levi. I hated feeling this way about him, no I despised the feeling of being attraced to him but, at the same time I loved it.
Levi then moved away from me, "That's how you punch, now do it yourself." Levi said tapping his foot. I nodded and punched like Levi showed me. We did this for about 20 more minutes until he stopped me.
Levi nodded and raised an eyebrow, "Not bad Cadet, by the way, pack your stuff and grab your imbecile friends and bring them to the dorm, you're dismissed until the further training today." Levi said in his usual monotone.
I walked back through the now loud dorms. I looked around to see boys and girls all laughing and having fun with their new roomies.
'I wish my new roomie wasn't a total ass'
I thought as I busted into the dorm room where Zael and Lillie were talking about something.
"Hey, so we're moving in with Levi," Zael said with a plain voice. I nodded as I stuffed my belongings into a bag.
"He's such a freaking asshole! All he ever does is screw things up! I hate him so much but I don't at the same and it's so," i vented and fussed as Zael and Lillie nodded and acted like they cared, "he's such a short idiot!" I finally exclaimed getting all of my anger out.
"It'll be fine, you have us!" Zael happily reassured me with his usual giant smile across his face.
I let Zael and Lillie pack up everything they needed out of the dorm and then we headed towards Levi's dorm. Levi's dorm was far away from the rookies dorms, I assumed because he doesn't like them.
"I bet it's gross," said Lillie, unaware about Levi's clean freak problem. I chuckled at her comment.
"He's a total clean-freak," i said laughing, "and it's bad."
"Humanity's strongest, a clean-freak." Zael said giggling a little. Lillie and I joined in Zael's giggles. We were giggling so loud that Levi must have heard us because soon the door swung open to reveal, none other than Corporal Levi.
"You brats get In here quickly or I'm going to make you run laps." Levi hissed.
There was only one word to describe Levi's dorm- Immaculate. There was not a spot of dirt or dust in the entire house, although it was very simple it was very good looking, with its one couch, chair, desk, 3 bedrooms and one bathroom.
"Get settled and then go train you two brats, Y/N I want you to stay though." Levi said. Lillie, Zael and I all nodded and quickly went to claim a bedroom. Lillie got her own room and me and Zael agreed to share one.
Zael smiled and lightly punched me in the arm, "You're the most beautiful roomie I've had," Zael said sweetly. I smiled really wide at him.
"And you're the best looking roomie I've had," I replied to him causing him to blush uncontrollably and smile. Levi came up behind us and gave Zael the coldest stare i'd ever seen given to another human being.
"You two brats stop screwing around with eachother! Cadet Como run laps until you pass out." Levi said angrily and with a hint of jealously in his voice.
"Yes, sir!" Zael said loudly while handing me his suitcase, "Just put it on my bed, roomie." Zael said running out the door. I pushed past Levi and into Zael and I's room.
I set Zael's bag gently onto his bed and began to unpack all of my belongings. Someone entered the room.
"Y/N, I don't want you around Cadet Como anymore," Levi said, I turned around to him.
"Corporal, you can't pick and choose my friends, those are my decisions whether you like it or not." I said giving him a cold glare. Levi growled.
"You'll do what I say Cadet L/N," Levi spat, "And just for that little outburst you can go run laps with your little boyfriend until you two pass out together."
I stared at him wide-eyed in anger, "He's not my boyfriend," I hissed. Levi clicked his tongue.
"Cadet L/N, if you don't run laps right now you'll be on stable duty for the next month and have to clean the Mess Hall for the next two weeks!" Levi commanded angrily. I groaned and mumbled some curse words under my breath before running out the door to go run laps.
'Stupid fucking idiot!" I screamed mentally.
I ran out the door and caught a glimpse of Zael running. I smiled when I saw the beautiful, blonde boy running, I quickly sprinted over to him. Zael greeted me with his usual perky smile.
"Hello, beautiful." Zael said smiling as we matched our paces. I grinned widely at him.
"Hello Perfect," I said returning his beautiful smile, "How many laps have you done?" I asked. He clicked his tongue.
"About two at the pace I was at, but we have to run until we pass out so..... it may be a few more hours," Zael said rubbing the back of his neck, be-ridding it of built up sweat.
I smiled, "I'm sure we'll meet new people while we're out here, Corporal does make a lot of people run." I said raising my eyebrows.
"Yeah, probably, we should quicken the pace so we can pass out quickly." Zael said drastically picking up the pace to a full on sprint, I follwed quickly in pursuit of him. I smiled as I watched the gorgeous boy full on sprint.
"I bet I can pass out faster than you!" I exclaimed challenging Zael to a 'pass out challenge'.
So Zael and I ran, full speed, until I felt my legs turning mushy and unstable. I saw that Zael had stopped and was dry heaving until he fell over on the ground and passed out.
'I won you big lug' I thought before attempting to help him, only to be stopped by black dots invading my vision before I passed out on top of Zael.
My eyes fluttered open to reveal that I was in a strange, cold, dark room. I was still dazed from running until I passed out. I came to the realization that I was in someone else's bed, no one else was on there, thank god.
The room I was in had a heavenly scent of fresh linen and tea and I loved it. The smell kind of made me drift into a state of bliss.
But.....the state of bliss was ruined by the loud thundering of boots accompanied by angry sighs. I heard the door swing open and then the loud thud of boots hitting the floor and then I felt the bed sink in the spot next to me. The bed shook as the person flung themselves back onto the bed. The person groaned and tried to grab another pillow but hit my face.
"What the fuck!" a very recognizable voice shouted.
"Ow! What the hell was that for!" I said springing up from the bed into a sitting position. Levi inspected me and then stared coldly at me.
"It was an accident and yes I took you in after you passed out, I couldn't stand seeing you on top of that brat." Levi said jealously.
6 hours earlier÷×÷×÷×÷×÷× LEVI POV!

I looked at Y/N sprawled out on top of Zael still panting all though she was already passed out. I couldn't stand the sight of the two being so close and I didn't know why it repulsed me so much.
It repulsed me so much to the point where I approached the girl and boy happily passed out on top of each other.
"Disgusting." I muttered quietly looking at the sweaty pair.
I pulled Y/N off of the stupid brat and began to carry her bridal style. I heard someone's laugh and excited squeals. I then heard footsteps coming towards me. Hanji came into sight.
' Shitty-glasses not right now'
Hanji came barreling towards me and Y/N.
"GO AWAY SHITTY-GLASSES!" I exclaimed at her. Hanji just kept on coming, just laughing and laughing.
"I see you have your beautiful girlfriend!" Hanji exclaimed happily looking at us.
"She's not my girlfriend, shitty-glasses, go away she's sick." I lied. Hanji smirked.
"She won't be sick for long." Hanji said poking my nose and then running off.
'What a freak'
I carried Y/N down the path leading to my dorm, the entire time having rookies stare at us and quietly whisper and mumble about us.
Y/N began to snuggle into my chest, I rolled my eyes.
'Bad timing Brat'
At Y/N's actions all of the rookies murmmers became louder.
I was quite thankful when we reached my place. I turned the doorknob of the front door and then kicked in the door so I could enter the dorm.
My boots loudly thundered as I opened the door to my bedroom and set Y/N down gently on my bed and then began pushing a strand of her hair out of her sweaty face and somehow she still managed To be beautiful, "If you dirty my bed I'll have to punish you again." I said quietly before leaving the room and tending to some paperwork.
'Stupid adorable fucking brat'
woooooo!!!!!!! This chapter is finally finished! sorry if there wasn't much action in this one the next chapter is gonna be ACTION PACKED so prepare yourself fellow fangirls:) anyway there was a cute Levi moment:)))) Thanks so much for reading! I love youuuuu!!!! have a great night and remember to VOTE and COMMENT!!!!!

~Admin E♡

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