Jealousy Looks Cute On You P Arthit

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This was inspired by Sotus S special where Arthit visited Kong in university and overheard the juniors talking about khaofang's confession. Episode 8.  Hope you enjoy!

Arthit approached the familliar stand as he smiled and breathed in the smell of his favorite grilled pork skewers. He greeted the vendor with a big smile and ordered 12 sets of the delicious food.

"I already reduced the amount of pork and raised the price, but still many students come and buy from me! There are other delicious porl around here you know? " the vendor complained. And all Arthit could do was smile awkwardly at him and wait for his order.

Few moments later, 2 juniors approached the food cart as well and ordered and chatted among themselves.

Arthit wasn't really paying much attention until the mention of his faen.

"Where is khaofang anyway?" the first girl asked

"She said she wanted to see P Kongpob and went to see him"

The mere mention of his faen's name immediately caught his ear and his attention was automatically shifted to the juniors conversion.

"P khongpob? Is she still into him? Didn't she already confess to him?"

Confessed? Kong never mentioned anything about anyone confessing to him in the past few months now. I thought they all got the message when kong rejected so many last time. Arthit thought as he listened in on the conversation.

"He did! At the beach too. Isn't she cool? Our friend really had the guts to confess! but... She was sadly rejected" the girl gave a sad sigh of sympathy for her friend. As if imagining her friends reaction when it happened.

"Oh? What happened? what did P kongpob say when he rejected her?"

"Turns out P Khongpob already has a faen! The rumors of him being taken were true, but so far only those in third year and up know who the mystery faen is. so most of the students don't believe it." the girl sounded so curious and dismayed explaining and her friend matched her expression with curiosity.

"Really? I really wanna know who was able to steal our handsome head hazers heart! P khongpob is the campus prince right now! Who was so amazing to have been able to win him?"

Arthit blushed at the other girls statement and bowed his head to hide his red face. He quickly famned his face as sweat started to form on his forehead. Good thing the smoke from the grilling could mask his reaction.

" Nong, your order is complete " he snapped back into reality when the vendor caught his attention and he quickly fished out the payment and paid the vendor taking his food.

As he left, he could still hear the nongs chatting amongst themselves about theories of who could be kong's faen, if whether she was on the same year as kong and just moved away, or if she was a childhood friend, and many more ridiculous theories that arthit didn't bother listening to the rest and left.

When he returned to the field where kong was he quickly placed the food he bought on the table and khongpob was already leaning on the table looking at him with a smile.

"P Arthit, this is a lot. Are you that hungry?" khong teased

"Hungry my butt khong, this isn't for me. It's for the nongs training, please give this to them for me. Their tired from all the training under the sun."
He sassed to his faen which only made khong smile more.

"Wow P! Your so caring and kind to your nongs. What about your faen P? Why aren't you taking care of me?" Khong suddenly asked and acted as if he was hurt.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 24, 2023 ⏰

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