Chapter 5

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Adriens POV

the Days that followed after our Family dinner was interesting. we gathered everyone together and told them the big news. Chloe excitedly embraced us and Nath gave us a smile, Marc and Zoe along side them. everyone was happy for us and very supportive. it was nice to know how many people actually Cared enough to congratulate us eagerly. it was even a little funny when Alix, Kagami and Luka talked about a bet. Alix and Kim had lost a bet against Luka and Kagami about our surprise. turns out Luka and Kagami, a year ago, bet that it will be about five or six months after our wedding we will have a baby. Alix bet that it wont be as long and Kim wanted in on the betting. yeah, turns out that was a mistake. but, aside from the gambling on our lives don by our friends, the party was good. We went Home after, mostly drained from the day we had. but it didnt stop me from wrapping my arms around Marinette from behind, burring my face in her shoulder. she squeaked, surprised, but then placed her hands on my arms. I trailed kisses down her shoulder and smiled as she giggled. that tickles. she said, leaning into the embrace. I smiled as I kissed her cheek, before turning my eyes to the window. the sun was slowly setting, and the light was warming the room with its remaining glow. I stepped back from Marinette and took her hand, guiding her to the balcony. she eyed me questioningly, and I just grinned at her. "Plagg, claws out." I said, transforming. I hoped up onto the railing and pulled her a little closer as I looked down at her. come with me... just for a bit... Viperion will keep the sky unseen and Vex will help if everything goes wrong. its fine. I said, kissing her hand. she looked to the side, unsure. please, Marinette. just... I paused, glancing to the side. Ive been thinking since we found out. and I think its the right thing to do. I looked back at her, warmth growing like my smile as I reached for her other hand. one last time. I said, kissing her knuckles softly. she blinked at me a few times, then smiled. she nodded. okay. she said, letting me lift her up into my arms and leap off the balcony. I took her to our spot. the building near the bakery. thats where I asked Ladybug to meet me for a date. the place I took Marinette instead. it wasnt set up the way I wanted it to look like. not like before. but it didnt matter. what mattered was the feeling. she stepped away from me after I set her down and stood by the railing. she still shined like the suns rays in my eyes. I followed her lead and stood next to her. she glanced at me and smiled, then leaned on my arm. I smiled as I lay my cheek on her hair. we stood in silence for a while, before I broke the spell with a soft sigh. ... Marinette... Im going to find a new Black Cat holder tomorrow... I said. wondering weather I should just let Luka take over from there or not. it might be a Bad Idea to know both the Ladybug and the Black Cat. but, Luka has known for years, and it hasnt effected time nor anyone else. Marinette glanced up at me, her bluebell eyes curious. I turned my face and kissed her forehead. Ive been thinking about it for a few weeks now, actually... but, I only started seriously thinking about it after we found out... I said, my arm reaching around her waist to softly place my hand on the side of her stomach. my other hand reaching for her hand, my fingers curling around her hand as I kissed her cheek. I want to start working full time and earn money properly, instead of leaching of your parents and mine. I love the bakery. but I think I should find something a little more my own... I still dont know what that could be... Cat Noir is all Ive ever know and... Its going to be hard... but, I think its time. I said, glancing at the setting sun. I felt Marinette Kiss my cheek softly, her hand gripping my hand soothingly. It doesnt matter, if you keep working with Papa, or find another job. the point is what you want. I just want you to be happy, Adrien. because, Im happy when I know you are happy. she said, smiling up at me. I smiled and leaned in and kissed her, the warmth of her breath heating up the slightly chilly breeze. I reached up and cupped her cheek, gently pulling her closer. its my last night being Cat Noir... I am just glad Im shearing this night with, Marinette... my first, and only Ladybug.

it didnt take me to long after that night to try and track down a possible Black Cat miraculous holder for Plagg. but, Plagg was stalling most of the time. even with six Possible candidate, Plagg still refused. saying things like, she isnt the right person for the job. he doesnt look a thing Like a Black Cat In my eyes. and, oh please he doesnt have a Mischievous bone in his body. making me smile and shake my head at him. I leaned into an alley and watched him complain about the options, shooting them all down with a straight up refusal. I smiled at him, realizing how much Im going to miss him. but, it would be best for both Paris and my family. it might even be better off for him as well, since I dont know how well he can handle kids. he noticed me watching him quietly. he frowned at me questioningly. I chuckled, reminiscing over our times together. I just realized how much Im going to miss you, Plagg... Im never looking at a roll of cheese and bread the same way again. I said, grinning. Plaggs face seemed to soften at that. and he seemed to deflate. you know... you dont have to... give the Miraculous up... I can stay... I mean, there will never be any Cat Noir like you. he said, looking sad. and By that, I mean, all the good ones are no longer here so. he said, correcting himself as he turned away from me. his arms crossed. Plagg... we will always be friends... and we will always be connected in a way... as Cat Noir in a way. but... its time for you to become someone elses Kwami now... to be friends with someone who needs it... I said, smiling at him. he glanced at me, not looking very happy. you dont need me any-more kid? he asked, a sad look on his face as he turned back to me. I shook my head. I will always need you Plagg... but, Im not a kid any-more, Plagg. Im having my own kids... which is why Im letting Cat Noir go... maybe one day, you might end up partnering with one of my kids. I said, wondering if that might even be true one day. Plagg watched me sadly, then sighed. well, if your that desperate to get rid of me... Ill go... the weird looking kid with the black hair and blue eyes looked decent. he might work out. he said, smiling sadly. I nodded. then looked over at our new Cat Noir. he doesnt seem like much, but thats where he might just be the best. he stumbled and tripped over the worlds smallest pebble and fell into the dirt, making me cringe for his sake. that looked painful. Plagg Chuckled. well, he seems a bit more like the ex-Ladybug rather then a Futura Cat Noir. Plagg Commented, his chuckles turning into laughter. I smiled at his comment and laughed as well. and so... Plagg and I said our goodbyes. Marinette and Plagg already said goodbye this morning before we left. I removed the ring and smiled down at it for a moment. I then made my way over to the poor boy as he gathered up his things. as much as I want to help him, I just dropped the ring into his bag, and officially cut ties with Plagg. after that I met up with Viperion. I told him the details, and he nodded. and so... I was on my why home, on foot. Im honestly going to miss leaping over the buildings as Cat Noir...

I got home and Sighed sadly. feeling like Ive lost something important. but then I heard Marinettes humming in the kitchen and I remembered why I did what I did. for her. for our kid. for our Family. I smiled as I stepped foreword, hopping Plagg will be happy where he is now. I stepped into the kitchen where Marinette was and smiled. I have everything Ive ever wanted, everything I have ever asked for, everything I need. I stepped behind her, and wrapped My arms around her. she knew it was me, she knew I had come home, since she didnt jump out of her skin when I did so. youre back... she said, her words soft. I knew she was worried about me, worried I was sadder then I seemed. I smiled and Kissed her cheek. yes, and... Im okay. his better off... Ill see him again. I just dont know when. I said, smiling. hopeful that maybe one day, that might be true. Marinette reached up and Placed her hand palm down against my hair, pulling me closer. we had fun with them, Adrien... I miss Tikki as well, I understand... But. Like you said... its best for them... Marinette said, her fingers gently petting my hair. I sighed softly, soothed by her gentle words. yeah... but hey, I get to spend more time with you now. and I would trade that for nothing in the world, not even a Miraculous... I love you, Marinette. I said, gently turning her to face her properly. she smiled as she reached her arms up and wrapped them around my neck. I leaned in and kissed her, smiling at the memories of our past... and now, from here. we get to be parents. its perfect.

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