
304 23 22

Donghyuck is waiting outside as Renjun is getting ready to close the shop, because as what the latter said, "You wait outside and don't attempt to help me, okay?" So here he is, even though he really wants to help him.

Renjun cleans the counters first then organize the chairs. He then turns off all the lights before grabbing his phone and wallet from his counter. He puts them on his pocket as he flips the sign into 'Sorry, we're CLOSED'.

He finally exits the café, locking the door with his spare key. Donghyuck sighs, smiling, and offers his hand. Renjun widens his eyes, pursing his lips together. He hesitantly holds the younger's hand.

Oh God, they feel so soft.

"Thanks for waiting." he says as they start to walk.

"No problem!" Donghyuck says, interlacing their fingers together. Renjun blushes by the gesture. "So, where did you say you live?"

"Oh, Lee Sooman's Apartment."

"Huh?" Donghyuck blinks, "That apartment just across the convenience store?"

Renjun nods, "Yes. Why?"

"I live there, too!"

"Oh my God!" They both laugh. "How come I never see you there?"

"I usually leave at 6AM as my class starts at 7AM. I don't want to be late, so yeah." he chuckles.

"Mhm, I usually leave at 7AM, sometimes earlier than that." Renjun scrunches his nose, smiling. "Which room are you?"

"Third floor, room 58. How about you?"

"Second floor, room 23." Renjun chuckles. "I didn't really expect that we just live at the same apartment complex. What are the odds?"

"I know, right? What a coincidence! You know, I should've asked you out sooner."

Renjun smiles, "That's fine! At least now we're having a proper conversation, better than just 'The usual?' 'Yes.' Right?"

Donghyuck nods, "Yeah." He squeezes the older's hand. "Uhm, I have a question, though. Why is it that you're the only one who closes the shop? I thought it's owned by your best friend?"

"Yes. Well, uh, it was a little deal I asked him. My original salary was 10,000 per month. But I told him that if I work from 7AM to 7PM, including closing the shop, he'll make my salary at least 15,000 dollars. My rental cost 8,500 and I use the rest for groceries and other stuff. So, yeah."

"Your coworker, why does she leave earlier than you?"

He shrugs, "I honestly don't know. She comes to work at 11AM and leave at 6PM. Don't really know why. But pretty sure her salary is lower than mine."

Donghyuck nods, understanding what the other said. "So proud of you for working hard."

"Thanks." he smiles. "How 'bout you? How do you pay your rent?"

Donghyuck pauses. "I don't. My mom does."


There is a silence before Donghyuck speaks again.

"No, don't get me wrong. I don't want you to see me like an arrogant or spoiled. But, uhm, the thing is, my mom forced me to go to medical school. But it's so far from our home, so she rented an apartment for me. At first, I told her I don't want to, as I only planned to do something else after I graduated, but she kept on insisting that I need to be a doctor. She said that my degree in medicine will just go to waste if I don't go to medical school. So I made a deal, too, that if I go, she'd pay for everything. And she agreed. So, here am I."

"Oh. Oh God, Donghyuck, I'm sorry." Renjun pouts.

"No, no! Don't apologize. I'm fine, don't worry about me."

"Please don't pressure yourself, okay? It's okay to rest." Renjun circles his thumb onto Donghyuck's hand.

Donghyuck smiles. He doesn't know what to say so he just nods, and he knows that Renjun understands him.

"Hey, we're here!" Renjun suddenly says.

Their fingers remain intertwined when they enter the apartment building. The other residents who see them start whispering to each other. But they just ignore them and continue to walk until they reach the elevator.

They get inside and Donghyuck clicks the 2nd floor. The elevator almost immediately goes up, making Renjun flinch. Noticing it, Donghyuck squeezes their fingers together.

"Sorry. I don't usually use the elevator because I'm kinda scared."

"Oh. We should've used the stairs instead."

"Yeah, but I thought you don't like using it since your room's at third floor."

Donghyuck chuckles, "Renjun-ah! Of course, I don't mind." He smiles, "Next time, we'll use the stairs, okay?"

Renjun smiles, "Yeah. Sorry."

"Don't apologize, please."

The elevator stops and the door opens, so they exit immediately. They walk until they reach Renjun's apartment room.

"Here's my room. Thank you for walking with me."

"Of course. I'd like to do this every night."

They smile at each other before slowly pulling their hands away. With that, Donghyuck sighs and Renjun pouts.

"I'll see you tomorrow, Renjun."

"See you, Donghyuck. Thank you again. Good night!"

"Good night."

Donghyuck watches him unlock his apartment. When the door opens, Renjun looks at him one last time tonight. They wave at each other before Renjun finally enters his room and Donghyuck leaves, walking to his apartment room using the stairs.

Renjun sits on his bed, sighing heavily. He smiles widely at himself, looking at his hand. "His hand is so soft!" he giggles. "And his voice is so deep, it relaxes me at the back of my head." He giggles once again as he lays himself on the bed.

Few minutes later, he felt his phone vibrates in his pocket. He gets up and pulls it out. He unlocks it and sees a message from Donghyuck.

Donghyuck got his number when he asked him out yesterday. And so he got Donghyuck's number, too.

Donghyuckie ♡ :

have a good night, renjun-ah. i hope to see you again tomorrow.

He grins before replying.

He screams silently (—if that's even possible) before standing up to change his clothes to a more comfortable one.

On the other side, Donghyuck smiles when he receives a reply from Renjun.

Renjunnie ♡ :

have a good night too, donghyuck-ah. see you.

He sighs dreamily, lying on his bed. He wants to leave his apartment and go to Renjun's instead.

His phone vibrates again, and when he checks it, it's a message from their group chat mentioning everyone. He just rolls his eyes before getting up to take a shower.


I see, we're having a progress HAHA.

Hello! How are y'all? I hope you liked this chapter. Don't hesitate to leave a feedback, I'll gladly read them all. Thank you so much for reading <3

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