10 The Intruder that is Needed

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Andrzej was an intruder here, an uncomfortable witness of a humiliating incident, someone who should not exist in Śliwiński's world at all and knew it well. But he couldn't bring himself to leave. Someone who has been attacked less than a quarter of an hour earlier should not be left alone at home so as not to summon demons.

"Your tea," he held out to him the cup the actor always used for himself.

"Thank you."

"If that's not a problem, I'd like to stay in the lounge at night. In case he comes back."

Śliwiński's shoulders shrank slightly.

"I'll prepare the bedding ..."

"There's no need to. You should rest now. Please don't worry about me. I promise not to cause you trouble."

"I know" Śliwiński sat on the edge of the bed, both hands embracing the hot mug. He tried very hard to smile and look at his visitor, but instead his shoulders began to tremble. "Sorry," he quickly wiped indiscreet tears.

'Damn, what should I do?' though Nowicki

Andrzej wanted to go over to him and hold him tight enough to stop him trembling, but he was afraid to do so. He had no right to invade someone else's personal space, especially at a moment like this.

"It's not true that men don't cry," he said without moving. "They just have to have a reason. I think today's events qualify for that."

Śliwiński sniffed.

"I'm making an idiot of myself."

"I promise not to tell anyone."

He laughed nervously, briefly.


He seemed to relax a little. His eyes were still moist, but his mouth was already forming a tentative smile.

"I'm sorry you had to witness all this. Usually, Marek doesn't go that far, but today ... I told him that I wanted our contacts to remain purely professional for a while. I don't think he liked the idea."

"So is it because I took these pictures ...?"

"Not quite," Śliwiński shook his head, looking at his cup. "You were right that I should have been more careful. It's not that I want to live a secret lie, but I'm not ready to face social prejudices yet. I didn't even tell my parents, so if they found out from the media ... But Marek ..."

He closed his eyes. He couldn't hide the pain he was feeling.

"As for the pictures, I'll give you your money back" Andrzej said.

"What? No!" He objected vehemently. "I'm grateful you sold them to me! Keep the money, please!"

"But ..."


With what intensity those aquamarine eyes were staring at him! Andrzej had the impression that he was looking at a kitten begging for a caress. What an absurd association, he thought, shivering down his back.

"We'll talk about it another time," he conceded halfway. "Drink your tea while it's warm."

"Ah yes, thank you."

'How polite and kind he is. It's downright unnatural. But it's cute in its own way. Shit, why am I starting to think of him that way?' wondered photographer.

The hot drink blushed the actor's cheeks. In the evening light, Andrzej could see that his eyelids grew heavy. Śliwiński was really tired both emotionally and physically.

"You should sleep" Nowicki announced, stretching out his hand for the cup. "Don't worry about anything and just relax, Mr. Śliwiński. I'll be downstairs just in case. Just call me if you need me."

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