The memory...

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The morning after the goodbye party. I knew it was your last day of work and because of that I was sure I wanted to work with you one last time. You came in and wondered why I was there and not Ema. I lied and said Ema wasn't feeling comfortable. I had a lot of questions in my head I wanted to ask you but somehow I understood these questions would be completely irrelevant for me. I knew what I had on you when we where together. I strongly wanted to believe that you never lied at me. But you did. I loved you, more than anyone else. But I know this time is over. You weren't the one, even if I still believe it. I'm just not the one for you. You can be whatever you want to be. Be the asshole you are but I am no part of it. I remember I stood at the packing station and told you „good bye", you said „see you" and went. I looked at the window side and had tears in my eyes but I was happy. I let go of you. It was the same feeling I always had after we worked together in the time we liked each other.
I loved you and especially loved how you admired me.

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