whatever the mess you are, you're mine. okay? (girlxgirl)

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Don't panic, don't freak out. Deep breath in, deep breath out. I need a Prozac. Sam brushed her hair back out of habit, but it was too short to tuck behind her ear. She nervously tugged at her shirt, trailing behind her mother up the concrete steps. A glance around revealed her worst nightmares come true: everyone was super beautiful and hip. Oh my God, I'm such a loser. 

Who's idea was it to have Freshman Orientation a week before school started? What happened to good, old-fashioned shoving your kids in the door and saying 'good luck'? Sam's mother reached her hand back. Hesitating, Sam took her mother's hand. She might look like a child, but she needed her mom's comfort.

As she stepped over the threshold of her new school, she was assaulted with the smell of coffee and paint. There was a god-awful line of people waiting for schedules, as well as an woman who looked to be in her fifties or so shouting over all the other voices. Sam assumed it was their principal, Carole.


"Will you be alright?" Sam's head snapped up to her mother's dark eyes, concern flooding them. 

"Yeah, I'll be fine." As she said that, she spotted a familiar blonde head bobbing among the crowd. "See? There's Carmen. I'm fine, I'll catch up with her. Love you!" She ran away before her mother could look any more worried. At the end of the line, her best friend stood, arms folded, looking just as nervous as she did, their other friend Martin at their side. 

Carmen was tall, skinny, and pale. Her hair was just past her shoulders, bleached blonde. Her perfect teeth were the main focus of her face when she smiled. She was beautiful. Quiet and shy, she was sometimes mistaken for stand-offish, but in reality she was warm and funny. 

Martin was big and tall. His long, red hair hung down his back in waves. His skin was darker, the color of coffee with too much milk. He was flamboyant and large, commanding the attention around him at all times. He was never shy, the only acception to that rule being around a boy that he dubbed "beautiful and perfect."

As Sam walked up to the pair, she was swept into a tight hug from Martin. When she was finally let go of, she took a deep breath, smiling as they sauntered through the line.

"So, any cute boys this year?" Sam asked idly, looking to Martin and Carmen.

"Not yet," Carmen commented. "Girls?"

"Not sure."

Sam gave a woman her last name, recieving her schedule. She was quick to compare with Carmen, then she broke off on her own to explore her school.

Tucking the schedule into her pocket, she walked over the threshold of what was to be her first hour. She was immediately greeted by a young man and a middle aged woman, who introduced themselves as co-teachers for a class that specialized in history and english. She smiled at them, and suddenly a high, clear voice rang out from behind them.

"Don't let them fool you, this class is hard. You have to keep on top of the work. Hi, I'm Diana." The girl smiled, holding out her hand from where she was perched on a desk.

"S-Sam, hi." Way to stumble over your words.

In truth, Sam couldn't take her eyes off of Diana. She was beautiful, completely mesmerizing. She had a pixie cut, and no makeup, and skinny jeans. And she was completely perfect in everyway.

And, oh my God, she was talking.

"- so far?"

"I- what?" Sam's face turned crimson from her neck to her ears. "I'm sorry, what was that?"

"How do you like FSA so far?" Diana smirked, looking amused like she knew exactly what Sam was thinking.

"It's great, I uh... I have to go," Sam squeaked, jetting out the door.

Your flirting is top notch, Sam.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2013 ⏰

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whatever the mess you are, you're mine. okay? (girlxgirl)Where stories live. Discover now