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spooks warning!
and an A/N at the end but, for now, into the story ;)

UPDATED A/N: I'm an actual idiot who didn't actually finish writing before publishing ahahah- I'm goofy. so i unpublished it and now you're reading the finale!

sowwyy A/N at the end for real this time--


Shoto couldn't remember the last time he'd been so utterly terrified in his life. But this? Screw whatever was previously at number one--This definitely takes the cake.

The apparition seemingly aglided forward with the continuous cry she let out previously. Her arms were extended outwards towards Shoto, as if she were trying to grasp onto him. Arms scrambled to cover his face from the incoming entity, squeezing his eyes shut.

But just as quickly as it all started, it stopped.

He slowly opened them, looking around. The room had become still again... Quiet...


If that's the case... why was his heart still beating so fast? Where had the mysterious woman gone? That actually happened... Right? Shoto allowed a nervous chuckle to escape his lips, slowly turning towards his companion. "Th-That was crazy, right?" he asked Vox.

"Truly... You're not hurt anywhere, correct? Feeling okay?"

"I feel just fine. It's a relief really, I thou-"

The room suddenly darkened, beyond human comprehension. He couldn't even see his own shoes.. His phone... Right. Light should emit from his phone-- Cautiously, he bent down to feel around for it. He was sure it wasn't turned off, why couldn't he see any form of illumination? Even the windows should emit at least a little light. Vox... right, Vox was here with him. "Vox?" he asked, his voice bouncing off the walls and back into his ears in an echo.

Whispers clouded his mind, absract shapes and vivid colors beginning to cloud his vision.

"V-Vox?" he called again in a meek whisper.

Suddenly, the floor didn't feel as stable anymore. Apparitions began to swarm him, the screaming woman making herself known again in many forms, surrounding him. Shoto clasped his hands over his ears. "Stop... STOP!" he pleaded, squeezing his eyes shut once more. Fear




Shoto cautiously peeked open his eyes.

Making her appearance known to him as a large overbearing apparition, her nonexistent eyes stared directly into his soul.

And then...


───── ⋆⋅☆⋅⋆ ─────




An alluring voice filled Shoto's ears as he regained awareness. His head wasn't resting on the ground, rather on something... warm? He felt familiar stroking of a few strands of his hair, letting out a weak groan as he forced his eyes open. His vision was a bit blurry, but he made out what he could of the figure he was resting against based on intuition alone. And by how gentle they were towards him... And the fact he was resting on a certain someone's lap.

"Shoto..? Are you with me?" Vox asked him.

He blinked away the remaining fogginess, meeting Vox's gaze. "Mhm.." he murmured. "Wh..What happened?"

A Change of Pace // A Voxto FanficWhere stories live. Discover now