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So I wanted to say a few things.

1. I've been thinking a lot about, well, pretty much everything.I was babysitting my Nanna's dog with my sis and bro, and we started arguing.
My sister was patting the dog while I argued with my brother.My overly sensitive ass self started crying, then my brother also did.What is wrong with me? My brother FINALLY cried.After SO long of seeming to never be upset or sad.That motherf-

2. I REALLY REALLY REALLY want a family dog.My mother and father are helping save money towards it, but my brothers haven't put a single penny in.Like, wtf? I KNOW for a FACT, that once we get the puppy, those two will be all over her.

3. I really flippin hate my life. :)

4. I love smiling and laughing.It makes me feel free.But then someone says something and I crawl back in my shell of depression.

5. My IRL crush doesn't like me.I think they like my brother, or something.
Like, why can't ANY of my crushes like me? I've never been in a relationship before, not even for a few seconds.
I wish someone liked me. :(


Now it's time for things about me!

1. My favourite colours are orange and pink!

2. My favourite food is pizza. And then probably noodles.

3. I own three cats, a half-dog, 11 hens, a rooster, and hopefully a family dog by the end of 2023!

4. I have four siblings. (Three older brothers and a younger sister)

5. I am ugly.

6. My favourite song is always changing, but mabye Mayday, Heather or Legends never die. I'm addicted to those... honest....I love so many tho.

7. My favourite movie is probably Rescued by Ruby I think it's called? Idk why, but it was really enjoyable.

8. My favourite show is probably Duck Tales or Scooby Doo. My older brother got me into watching them both.

9. My favourite WP book ATM is probably....gosh, idk....Mabye
Sky of No Stars, by Ztar101 , one of my bffs.

10. I'm an introvert, mabye actually ambivert. I prefer staying in, but get depressed if I don't go out at least twice a week.

11. I like thighs, and I'm not afraid to say it.They're soft and plush. :3
Big thighs are *chefs kiss*

12. I'm addicted to eating snow.
I could sit there and eat snow forever.
(Even the yello- WHAT NO!)

13. I want to die. ☠️


Now I shall tag some friends who have always been there for me and supported me. I want you to know I appreciate you! (Just because your name is not here, doesn't mean I don't love you! Lots of love to everyone <3 )

-Lakecloud- (my very first follower and BFF for life!)

AKa_amazing1 (AMAZING friend who deserves the world)

Ztar101 (Amazingly talented writer who doesn't get enough credit and is super nice)

moosh_moosh12 (Beautiful artist and writer, and an all time amazing person)

neon_aster (Funny, likeable friend who is always there for me)

strangesfavchild (Really nice and fun role player who I really appreciate)

Qibli-Winter-Star35 (Great person who I enjoy talking to)

C4ts-Fr0m-H3ll (an awesome person who deserves lots of love)

BeeIsNotOnline (one of my first friends)

Cheetahgirl4ever (A good friend who is really nice and I enjoy talking to)

ZJCWeasel (A beautiful person who makes me smile!)

Procy0n_ (An awesome friend who is AMAZING at writing and deserves love)

saveras1dobsession (a extremely loving and caring person who deserves the biggest hug ever)

XWildXWolfX (A funny person who makes me smile and is great to talk to)

I_Vote_Qinter (Being a fellow Qinter shipper is enough for me! But you're amazing, darling!)

snowfalldaqueen8932 (For being there for me! I enjoy talking to you!)

I love you ALL so, so, SO much!

I'm so happy I got to meet you all.

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