my first love❤️

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Here we are again. We do this every night with me and her on the phone like always. I can't focus on anything but her voice. I don't know what she's saying. I'm half asleep. I look at my phone and mumble "goodnight le-le I love you" right before I fall asleep she responds "goodnight I love you too" I slip into a peaceful sleep with a smile on my face. Ughh was all I can say when I wake up with the bright sun in my eyes I can barely see, I pick up my glasses and put them on and get on my phone.I start walking to the bathroom to get ready for the day "good morning beautiful" is all I hear "good morning" I mumble spitting out the minty toothpaste."hey wanna go to the mall today" I stopped what I was doing, why would she ask me? She has so many other friends she could ask so why ask me? I can question her all I want but I know deep down I was happy she asked me and no one else "yeah let me get dressed" I had an outfit in mind but I wasn't planning on wearing it today I didn't have any plans, but now I do I was really happy I had a reason to put my new dress on. I got dressed "i'm readyy" I say spinning in my dress " you look great, I'm on my way" I heard her car door shut and start, I run to get my heels on I had a little trouble getting them on but i made it work.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2023 ⏰

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