Chapter 4

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I opened my eyes with a groan. What happened……then everything came flooding back to me: the vampires, the fight….. I sat up in the huge bed I was laying in. The room was huge, with red walls, black furniture and gold accents.

“Good morning sleeping beauty” Declan smiled from the doorway to the bathroom across the room.

“Morning?” I questioned “what time is it?”

“Almost midnight” He answered immediately.

“What?!” I screamed leaping off the bed. All my bruises had healed and I felt fine. “ I need to get home, my brothers will kill me” I started to the door but Declan was faster.

“The vampires will kill you if you walk out of this room. Their angry enough as it is”

I rolled my eyes “I’m not afraid of them” he hesitated, so I added “If you’re so worried then just come with me.”

He smiled “I like that idea. Come.” He pulled my hand and we raced down the stairs. I ignored the stares as I ran out of the building. No one said a word to us, no one stopped us or tried to.

They were probably just happy I was leaving.

Declan started to slow down, but I kept going until I was deep into the forest. I stop and a second later Declan was next to me.

“Slow down I thought you weren’t afraid of vampires” he smiled.

“I’m not. But my brothers are another story” I sighed and started running again. We ran out of the woods and passed house after house until I stopped at a familiar brick building.

“Here we are” I sighed. The lights were on; they were probably going crazy right now.

Declan held my hand supportably and smiled, causing my heart to flutter in my chest. So this was what matting was: Falling completely head over heels in love with someone, no matter how little you knew about them or who they were. I had only met Declan a few hours ago yet I couldn’t imagine my life without him. My body ached to simply melt into his arms forever. But I had to be responsible and face my brothers. So I settled for a simple kiss, leaning in and allowing our lips to meet for only a second so as not to stir up more electricty than I could handle at this moment. His lips were heaven. 

I took a deep breath and walked to the front door at normal speed. I knocked on the door once, and in a second it was thrown open. Andy stood in the doorway, and emotions passed his face in seconds: hope, relief, anger, and then horror. He was wearing a loose black t and light jeans. His jet black hair was messy on his head from running his hands through it, and his navy blue eyes dark. Before I could say a word he threw Declan to the ground and punched him in the jaw.

“STOP!” I screamed.

Andy gripped Declan’s shirt with both his fists and pushed him up against the wall, then turned to me. Declan was making no move to fight back, but I could tell how hard it was for him to do so.

“Get. In. The. House” it was an order.

“No! Let go of him and get into the house now!” I demanded.

Andy growled then pulled Declan into the house with him. I followed behind shutting the door behind me.

“Look Andy…” I began.

“Where were you?! You know you had us going crazy?! Luke is out looking for you now!” he yelled then turned toward Declan who had shifted so he was now standing in front of me protectively. “Who are YOU?!”

“He is my mate Andy!” I yelled annoyed.

He froze “What?”

“He. Is. My. Mate. And I’d appreciate it if you would leave him alone, because I can’t expect him to just let you beat him up for no reason.”

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