Zero recall

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You Jolt awake in his arms and quickly shut off the sound of the alarm clock Zhongli sits up. "Well it's certainly effective at waking you" you sit not really registering much he leans over and kisses your forehead. "Take your time we can talk once your functioning" he hands you the coffee and you stare at the brown liquid and frown you brows knitting together in frustasion. "I feel I forgot something important" you take a sip slowly. "Ah looks like you did forget after waking we ended up in your dream realm together it wasn't a premonition dream though". You hum slowly in response. "More crystals have formed" you look at the wall and he follows your line of sight. He carefully removes one and inspects it. "I've only ever seen this formation in the places you sleep you know" you frown against your mug. "I would try and claim coincidental but I Probably shouldn't question Rex lapis about knowledge of rocks of all things" he tilts his head. "You know I'm not the top expert in this." You snort a little and cough from inhaling a bit of your drink you put it down after recovering. "Even if you haven't explicitly studied it you where the geo archon and are the oldest you have seen more than enough to know if this has ever acured somewhere I am not. The only reason I even want to Deny it is it insinuates I am the cause". He hums slowly in response pocketing the crystal he will have some people in the harbour look at it and see if they have ever been found in other lands. "I wish you would doubt your self less" you look down at your hands and wring them slight. I know I know I can't help it I have been alive for years and the only thing I have to show for it is a vision that I don't even know why I have. I don't have a goal or a ambition until 2 weeks ago I didn't even want to be awake longer than a week". He sighs softly and pulls you to him and rests his chin on your head. "Thank you for staying awake" your tail begins to wag as he holds you and you snuggle into his arms. You both stay like this for a while just enjoying each others company. But before long you stretch you know it will take a while to move everything into your new abode and you want to get it done before sunset your not looking forward to him seeing just how much you have kept from the past but you get up anyway. "We should Probably start he smiles and helps you start to pick up some things and carry them to the tea pot he goes in side so you can hand him everything and he places them just inside the house Ping put in there. You put the blankets from your bed in but leave the larger furniture in your previous abode not caring to move much of it Zhongli had payed for a few newer up to date things to be added starting with a much better bed he honestly is surprised you have slept on a glorified rock all these years honestly that's part of the real reason you left behind the old furniture it was all carved from stone years ago before people were able to make theses things from wood and you just stuck with it cos it worked you let him make the choices in furnishing the new home as he would Probably make better ones. It's late after noon before everything's done and he leaves the tea pot soon after he places the last thing inside he picks it up. "Let's head to the harbour and put this in my home" you both walk talking about a new story he herd at third round knock out. He tells you about some of the boats in the harbour and how they came about and you can't help but giggle at him he knows so much about the world but some of it can seam so random you just enjoy listening to his voice it's soothing. You reach the harbour and he leads you to his home it's simple all and all he also places the tea pot in your new room and carefully attaches it to the door with adepti ability's anyone with out your own realm dispatch's when opening the door will have it only lead to a empty spare room but if you or someone with a realm despatch opens it will open into the house with in your abode so it's easier for you to enter and leave. You hand one of the despatches to him of corse and tuck the rest of them away in your abode. He then takes you to lunch at Wanmin Restaurant you are surprised to see Guoba as you haven't ever been here while chef Mao's daughter was working he stares at you and then runs up and hugs you. You end up having lunch with him at Xianglings insistents. He can't talk any more but you talk to him about the wine you made and he makes a shocked face you when you mention the main ingredient. You laugh a little "yeeeeah I didn't know it had that effect so I bottled and stored it after I found that out it's still good but not so much for serving to others". He nods and contuines to eat. After everyone is finished you wave good bye to Guoba as Zhongli takes you with him to pick up indigents for him to make a special dinner for you both tonight you foot the bill as he left his wallet at home he said he will reimburse the mora at home but he is struggling with the having to bring it everywhere. You don't mind though and make a note to ask him if he has it when ever you leave the house together and to bring it to him if you see it laying around at home.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2023 ⏰

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Times flow Zhongli X Adepti male readerWhere stories live. Discover now