<chapter 12>

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Asking why I didn't upload?well kinda I have some exam going on and I got perfect to some of the subject and they gave us a project and seatwork and homework :)

Welp here is the chapter 12 I kinda was in a rush so don't mind some of the mispelled

Let's start it!shall we?


Illi we have some problems to deal with.....right now.














Dark's POV

"we have some problems to deal with right now, it's important, there's ####### ######### ###### #######" I said to phil he nods then whispered something to me, then I agreed I am not sure but I didn't know ??? is here, ??? told phil(24)-

(asking why I said phil(24)?well it's because this is another dimension or a parallel universe this philip here is from another universe and the original philip which is called illi, while the other universes of him is called by the numbers, like phil(4) or they only call them four(4), also the trio kris,ennie, and kai(kaira) are from the original they are just helping 24 to finish the mission in his universe including his.....y'know like somethin, back to the story.)

-that zahk also has something with him, 24 felt like there's a hidden aura on him, an unawakened Goddess the same as us Light and Me, 24 also knew that Goddess inside zahk, it's the Golden Goddess or so called the Goddess of golden angels or the one that has a gold wings likd him he has a gold wings or yellow the others say but in our eyes it matches the golden wings of the golden angels in heaven, we've been finding that Goddess since we came here.

24 could also feel an aura on the north korean and it's the War Goddess since that boy north is not that close to anyone neither to his own brother south korea, hmm....we really took too many info in here geez how did I even remember that?well atleast it helped....."you think that I can be friends with that new Goddess that we found Dark?" 24 said "well there is a possibility that you have the chance to befriend them but it will be hard for you to befriend the War Goddess 'cause the Golden Goddess is just a friendly one but War is not." I said to 24 saying that it will be hard to befriend that kind of Goddess, well he was able to befriend me at the first place even tho it's just months that I met him and illi I felt like I can trust them, just how could they keep up the friendly smiles and auras on them even tho sometime's their two faced flag.

24's POV

Welp guess I need to befriend them.....wait a minute....."hey Dark" I called Dark and he hums to me "how can they woke up, y'know their still not awake" I said "well we still doesn't have any clues how to woke them up but if their awake now, the two countries(Kazahkstan and North Korea) will notice something weird on them and you'II have to explain again" he said while I put the disappointed face on me when I heard the 'I NEED to explain IT to them', I pricking hate explaining when they cannot understand the situation but if them both can understand it easily then I will be not disappointed at them, oop- I forgot "uhh.....Dark, can I....." I said trying to build a word on me "what is it?" he said "um....well..I kinda....need a help so.....could you be a countryhuman and help me too.....pls?" I said I stuttered some of the words but I still build it up, he was silent for a moment then..."NO" he said not facing me "but why!?why not?" I said "you could just ask Light y'know, not me, I don't wanna" he said while I am annoyed, minutes later Light came back I ask him the same question that I said to Dark and he agreed to it but there's problem.....we have to make his info or make it the same as mine and we have to think of a name for him just why...

"hmm.....I think I should do a private info the same as you dear and the name I think......dear I can only go on a female gender cause my male gender is still not....y'know...so I think 'Laurel' is my name being a female countryhuman" he said welp I gotta say 'she' and 'her' now then, why do I feel like Dark doesn't like this idea?I can feel him being...jealous?but why tho?I took a look at Dark and I can see him glaring at me.....bruh why me :') "Dark you should also join us you have a female gender too right?you also still doesn't have the male gender, in order to get the male gender is go become a female gender for like long time I guess" Light said talking to Dark while I stayed silent sweating cause Dark is still glaring at me then he spoke "fine I will join since I also need the male gender(lied), and I will also go on a private info about the name....." he stayed silent thinking for a name I can literally see that he lied at the sentence of 'fine I will join since I also need the male gender' bruh.....*sighs* pinish na kapag pina jealous ko pa sya paktay talaga ako sakanya, then Light spoke "how about 'Dania'?it also starts at the letter 'D' while mine is starting also at the letter 'L'' Light(Laurel) said.

"alright fine" they both change in there countryhuman female gender and they both are now called Dania and Laurel oh- I forgot I think they are the ONLY female there except tp some of the teachers.

"ok now were finish for the day, now were ready for tomorrow" I said ready for tomorrow now as they both nod and also gets ready.


Sorry for the long break I had I am just really busy so I am sorry atleast I still made the story but it's kinda short even tho it's already in 1000 words I am really glad you guys are reading this and sorry for the mispelled words kinda in a rush

Thank you for reading

Time uploaded: 7:11
Date: Febuary 4 2023

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