Land of Misfortune

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The three kids cower, their legs shaking with every step they took. Confidently, Kal Rogen walked in front of them while they stayed behind. Of course, Oiko was called dibs on staying to the back of the group and protect their spines for any sudden attacks.

"G-g-g-ghosts... h-haha. I was n-ne-never afraid of 'em." Gray flukes his confidence. Everyone knew he was lying, but none say anything.

Kal sees a hay ball rolling as he stops his cat walk.

"M-Mr. Rogen?" Gray looks at his master who halts abruptly.

"I forgot to enlighten you, my pupils." He says.

"Y-yes, master?"

"This is called the land of misfortunes. Now, what have you lost in life?" He asks the question so casually that they couldn't decide to answer like, "I lost a toy once," or

"I lost a brother once."

Eitherway, none of them lost anything, except for one. Kal looks at Riley who glances down at his feet. He wasn't feeing very confident with his feet, it seemed. His footsteps weren't guiding him into anything special, he thought.

"My father..." he says softly.

"My parents..." Oiko's voice was almost inaudible. Riley, who heard her looked into her direction. Their gazes met, they were sympathizing with each other.

Out of the blue, Oiko breaks the gaze while her mind spoke to her.

"Why are you being so cute on him? Stop it. He doesn't deserve a pinch of our sympathy. He's brought it upon himself." Says Oiko to herself. How cruel can a person become for war?

"You all seem parched. Let's hit a restaurant, shall we." Kal says it as a statement and not as an enquiry to the kids. "Uh-uh..."

Before they could react, he was already walking.

"Argh, he irritates me." Gray says, Hana patting his back gently.

"Nothing irritates me." She says, making no sense to the content. Gray scans her up and down. Her face was way too relaxed, but way too pale at the same time. Somehow, she manages to keep up her angelic smile even in such a dire situation.

"Good for you, I guess." And they begin following Kal like his tail.

"It's going to be a lively hotel, y'all!" Says Kal as he fists the air above. His gesture adds some life to their cowering bodies, he wanted them to calm down.

However, they weren't calm when they saw the spooky building.

There was a hotel, all flocking with...


Kal turns back at their yelling. Oiko stood away as she sighed her lungs at the three clutched onto each other like fools. Gray stood in the middle whilst Riley had all his limbs against Gray and Hana leaning way too close to Gray. Her arms draped around both their shoulders.

"Oiko, come with me. They can remain parched for the rest of the five hour walk from here." Says Kal to discourage the poor frightened kids.

"No!" Yells Riley as he shakes them off of him.

"We will come with you!" He screams.

"That is what I intend to listen. Now here, drink some draft beer. It's for kids, you know?" Kal presents the teenagers with beer as they look at him with wide eyes.

"Is there something on my face?" He asks, his hands holding out four beer glasses, two in each hand. The yellow and white skinned pale teenagers point at the white spirit lingering upon Kal's shoulder.

Kal smiles down at them. He turns his head to look at the ghost upon his shoulder, his vision over the periphery.

"At last we meet, Pruse."

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