Chapter 4 ~ A New Home

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"Are you ready Tenley?" Andrea asked.
"Yup. As ready as I'll ever be," I replied back, "Bye Mrs. Lena!" getting into the awesome car.

~In the car~
After about 10 minutes of being in the car with a very akward silence, Kian finally said something.
"So, Tenley, are you nervous to meet my friends?"
I was kinda zoned out listening to music so I didn't hear Kians question at first.
"What?, oh ya, I guess, kinda." I told Kian taking out my earbud.
"Oh, trust me, you'll love them. Don't worry." Kian replied.
"Cool." I said back.
Kian, Andrea, I finally got to the house. Getting out of the car I said "Holy shit..." I said looking at Kian and Andrea. "Your house is freaking ginormous!"
"Ya, I live with 5 guys so it kinda has to be huge." Kian told me.
After getting my bags and walking to the door, a kid ,who looked about 15, walked outside and said hi to Andrea and Kian.
"Hey Sam, meet Tenley." he told him. "What's your last name again?" Kian asked me.
I debated on weather or not to tell him my last name.
"It's, ummm, Caniff." I told Sam trailing off.
"Like as in Taylor Caniff? Taylor has a sister?" Sam asked me.
"How come I've never seen or heard of you before?" wondered Sam.
"Sam! Don't be rude!" Andrea scolded him.
"It's fine, Andrea,"
More of what I'm assuming are Kians friends started to come outside.
"Sup Kiandria! Who's this?" they all asked.
"Guys, meet Tenley." "Can I tell them you're last name?" Andrea asked.
"It's Caniff... Tenley Caniff..." I told them. Ugh it's kinda annoying constantly getting asked that, but I do like Sam so far I guess.
"Taylor has a..." a guy with extremely curly hair asked.
"Yes! He has a freaking sister!" I yelled at them.
"Sorry... it's just I didn't have a great experience with him and his friends... that's it. Sorry..." I apologized.
"It's fine. What happened?"
Kian looked at them giving them the death stare and then looked at me and said , "You don't have to tell them, Tenley."
"It's fine... im ready, I'd rather do it now than later ,I guess, just to get it out of the way." I replied.
I continued, "Well, when I was about 10 Taylor and his friends started to bully me. Slapping, kicking, punching, any method of hurting me, they did it to me. I continuously came home with black eyes cuts and bruises, every single freaking day. It continued for about 5 years until I was finally done with Taylor and his shit. So I came here and ya... Now I'm here with you..."
All of the guys just stood there with their mouths hanging down to the floor.
"Your lying. Right?" the curly haired kid asked.
"I can't picture him doing that. He's so,"
I cut a guy with a blondish-brown hair off, "Nice? Ya only to the camera and fans and friends."
"I'm sorry Tenley." somebody with a quiff and green eyes said.
I chuckled, "Ya me too."
"Okay, let's go inside it's freaking hot out here!" a tallish dark brown haired kid yelled.
"Kk. Le'go." Andrea said grabbing one of my bags.
I asked with a random out of nowhere southern accent, "So, uh, what are all y'alls names?"
"Sup. I'm Jc. Jc Caylen." the curly haired kid aksed extending a hand with a cloud tattoo on it.
"I'm Trevor Moran."the tallish dark brown haired kid said.
"I'm Ricky Dillon or Ricky Manij" blondish-brown haired kid asked.
"It's Ricky..." Kian said rolling his eyes.
"You kinda know me. The names Sam Pottorff."
The guy with green eyes and a quiff said"And Im Connor Franta."
"I'm Tenley, obviously." I said smiling.
I can already tell you, I like them and we've talked for like, 5 minutes.
"Let's go find you a room!" Trevor yelled a bit to excitedly.
"K, can you help me with my stuff Trevor?"
"Sure." he replied.
Trevor and I walked up the long flight of stairs. I counted 30 in total.
"So, Tenley, how are you...?" asked Trevor akwardly.
"Good, actually great right now. What about you?"
"Same, well here's your room. Sorry if it's kinda messy, it's the guest room. Kian and Andrea didn't tell us they were adopting anyone."
"Nah its fine, Trev. Can I call you that?"
"Ya that's fine."
"Well, Trev, I lived with possibly the world's most messiest person when I lived with Taylor." I said putting my things on the bed. This room, even though it was the guest room, was huge.
"Ya, when he stayed here a while back, he left the the roomph a complete mess."
"I can picture that..."
"Sup bitches?!?!?" Jc asked running in knocking me over.
"Uh Jc! What was that for you CBN!"
"CBN? What does that even mean?" Jc and Trevor both asked.
"Crusty Butt Nugget. CBN." I told them smiling.
Trevor said, "I like that. I'ma start using that."
"Ya me too." Jc agreed.
"I guess, if you must. Now get up and help me unpack my shit."
Even though Im 15, I swear a bit to much. Eh, whatever, it's fine.
"Dayum!!! Girl you sassy!" Trevor talk-screamed.
"Trust me. I get that alot." I said chuckling. "Now help me!"
"Fine... We must do what the dork says."
"Uh! You did not just call me that!?!" I said acting offended.
"You bet your ass I did!!!!" Jc exclaimed.
Luckily good for me, bad for them, I had a couple of water bottles in my bag. I threatened to open them, which I already did, and swing the water at them.
"Call me that one more time and you'll be wet!"
"Ya. Like you'll do it anyway!" they teased.
"You wanna bet!!!" I yelled throwing the water at them getting them soaked-ish.
They found my other water bottles.
"I'ma get you back Tenley!" they both yelled simotaniously. I ran out my bedroom door not wanting to get everything wetter than it already was. They followed. We ended up downstairs in the kitchen.
"Shit..." I mumbled. "No more water." They had the side with the fridge.
"Ha! We win!" Trevor exclaimed throwing the rest of the water on me then tackling me. Jc joined.
In the end Jc, Trev, and I ended up getting soaked with water and not getting my stuff unpacked. I've literally been here for 2 hours and I already love this place. We kinda got everything wet. Oops... Nobody was inside but me, Jc, and Trevor. Everyone else was outside and surprisingly, nobody came back inside with all the screaming that was going on. The guys walked in seeing us and everything else wet with liquid.
"What the hell!?!" Ricky yelled. "Were you having a water fight without us?"
"Ya... I guess that's what you can call it." I told Ricky.
"Why didn't you invite me?" Ricky said fake crying.
"Sorry Ricky Manij."
"It's fine..."
"Hand me a water bottle Trevor." Ricky mouthed. He was hugging me so I couldn't see.
"Me too, me too, me too." Sam, Kian and Connor mouthed also.
"Ha! Payback for not getting us!" Ricky yelled dumping the water on my head.
"You doucholeos!!!!" I yelled at them running outside. They, of course, followed.
We were all soaked in the end, but it was really fun. We stopped because we got a noise complaint from the neighbors. Oops.
"Ima go shower." after we were back inside.
"But you basically just "showered" without the soap." Connor told me.
"Eh. Still I'm going to take a shower!!!" I yelled running up the steps. Let's just say I take like 45 minuet showers, and I also sing loudly too. Yes, I sing in the shower.
After I finished showering and singing I went downstairs. Or at least tried to. I ran into Trevor and Ricky, who wete obviously listening.
"Damn! Your good! You should be a singer." Ricky said, and Trevor agreed.
"Eh no. I'm not that good." I told them.

Okay 4th chapter. As always hope you enjoyed!
Sorry for the ending of the chapter it kinda sucks but that's fine cause it'll be different and better next chapter.

~Tenley ✌

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