Chapter 3

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Kirishima's POV

I woke up before Bakugou which never happened in all those months so I had no idea what to do. Usually I wake up and breakfast is already on the table but I don't want to go through Bakugou's stuff and even if I did I'm not good at cooking warm meals. I grabbed some sticks and made us a fire so Bakugou will be warm. Then I just sat next to him and watched him sleep, he looked so nice and peaceful.

"That's creepy" said the blond when he opened his eyes. "You should not watch other people sleeping" I moved away from him and fixed my hair: "Sorry" I whispered as he sat up and looked around the weird cave. "You made us a fire? Nice thank you" I proudly nod looking at my fire that I made with my own breath. "We don't have much food since running away was not in my plan" to that I looked away embarrassed: "I'm sorry I only wanted to go for a walk...I'm so sorry" I started. "It's fine, nothing here is your fault. People just hate things they don't know" he pat my head with a smile and hand me some bread. "Eat up, we're going to my hometown" his hometown? I will get to see where he grew up! "What about my teeth?" I asked, I don't want to be chased by another group of people. "What about it? You ain't hiding your mouth!" that put a smile on my face, he really was the most important person in my life. We eat in silence, afterwards we took Izuku's horse. "Can I try sitting in front?" I asked Bakugou when he got ready to ride it. Bakugou moved from the horse and let me ride it, I was a little nervous as I hopped on it and the horse moved a little. "It's scary" I chuckle and Bakugou hopped behind me: "let's go slowly, horses can sense you feelings so just relax" I took a deep breath and we start riding slowly. It was so amazing, it was me and the horse oh and Balugou. "Can I name it?" I asked him. "I guess" "I'm naming him Red Riot! Because he saved us from one and because my favourite colour is red!" I said proudly for thinking of it. "That's stupid but sure"we ride on and after an hour he demand we switch so Red Riot can go in gallop with Bakugou having to take care of me. We ride for half a day before finally seeing his hometown on the horizon. "I see it!"  I said loudly and pointed at the town. "Yeah yeah it's not that interesting" Bakugou was not as exciting as me but that's okay. I'm sure his family will be so happy to see him again and I just can't wait to meet them. I will tell them how amazing Bakugou is to me and everything he has done. I hugged him from the behind and lay on him for the rest of the ride.
"We're here" he said to me after a while. "We are?" I jumped off the horse and ran to the town on my own. I heard Bakugou laughing at the distance, running without people chasing you is so amazing! When I got to the first house I turned around and waited for Bakugou to catch up to me. "Slow down it's not that exciting, just another town we're visiting" I gave him a long set of nods and ran on but after a few houses I realised I have no idea where I'm going, Bakugou was now off the horse and leading the horse through the town. "Let's go!" I cheer him on. "I'm here I'm here. And we're at our destination, that's my house" he pointed at the house behind me. And let us go in, it was a small one and pretty dusty. The furniture looked old but fancy, I went on and looked through all the rooms. There was a lot of space. "I have two rooms so we can finally sleep separately" Bakugou said from the kitchen where he was making us something to eat. "It's a bit dusty and needs a lot of cleaning since I've been gone for almost a year" "I'll clean it! Let me do it" he smiled at me and put a cup of tea on the table. "I'll be out to get some stuff, you can join me shopping" "YES PLEASE!" I put my hands on the table and smile at him.

We walked around the market and people greeted Bakugou happily, stopping him and asking how's he's doing. He looked a little annoyed by all the people but I still decided to move away from them. I decided to keep my mouth shut just in case, I wish to stay in this town for as long as Bakugou want to.
"Like your hair, looks cool" I turn around to see a girl with pink hair. "I'm talking to you yes" she said and show me her tongue. "Me? Oh thank you" she smiled at me and lean to the side: "Wow! Your teeth looks even cooler! Can you bite into anything?" I put a hand to cover my mouth and partly nod. "Don't be shy, look at my funny eyes. We both have something unusual" she blinked at me a couple of times. Her eyes really were amazing and she was so nice. "My name is Mina! What's yours" "It's Eijiro" I finally said with my hands still covering my mouth. "Come on show me your teeth pleaseeeee!" the pink haired girl grabbed my shoulders and started shaking me. "Eijiro! Let's go" I heard Bakugou call for me. "Katsuki!" said Mina and let me go so she can ran to him. "Where have you been all this time?" I slowly walked to his side. "It's Bakugou for you raccoon eyes" my body shivered at the rude nickname but Mina just laugh at him: "Rude as always! Hey, did you bring shark boy with you?" Shark boy? I like that. I gave her a smile with my teeth and her eyes filled with excitement. "WOW! You look so cool! Let's be friends!" "okay" I whispered back to her still hiding behind Bakugou. "Stop annoying him you idiot!" Bakugou yelled at her but the energetic girl did not let him get to her. "Let's keep on going" he grabbed my hand and pulled me away from the girl. "Bye! See you soon!" Mina waved after me and I gave her a small wave back.

Bakugou's POV

Gods people here are so fucking annoying. I haven't been around for a year and nothing changed. They really do like to ask way to many questions it's annoying. But at least Eijiro is having the time of his life so that's fine and people here are enjoying his visit, as much as I can't stand that pink girl, she did make Eijiro smile and offer her friendship so I'll let her get close to him. Maybe she'll help him gain some confidence since I'm not helping at all no matter what I say. I bought us some supplies since my plan is to stay here for a couple of weeks and since Eijiro was feeling sad I bought some meat for him. That'll make him so happy. "Katsuki? Oh boy you've grown" I turned around annoyed but my expression changed immediately when I saw Deku's mother. "Miss Inko, hello" I said to her. "I'm so happy you're back, Izuku has been writing me a lot of letters ever since you two went on that big adventure"  a year ago I got into some bad shit with some bad people and had to leave this town, Deku decided to be stupid and followed me. After that we kinda never came back, well I didn't, he still visits from time to time. "It's good to see you again, it's been quiet ever since the Bakugou family left" I looked at her and she realised what she said: "I'm sorry Katsuki, the lost of your parents was horrible, your mother was a close friend of mine" "I know" I only said. "See you later" was all I could tell her and then left. "Is that Izuku's mother? I'm sorry about your parents" I looked behind me and saw Eijiro. Fuck I completely forgot about him being here. "'S fine. It's been a whole year since they died. Stop being annoying and let's get back home" Eijiro said nothing and only followed me. When we got into my old house he walked into my old parents room and didn't come out for a while, probably reading his books. In the meantime I made us lunch. Mash potatoes, a salad and Eijiro's favourite steak. I put it on the table and went to get the hungry dragon. I opened his door to my parents's old room but he was not there, however the room looked oddly clean. "Eijiro?" I asked around the house. "Yeah?" I heard coming from the living room. "What are you doing?" I walked up to him, he was on all fours. "Helping out" he turned to me with a smile and I saw a mop in his hands. He cleaned my house. "You did have to-" "I did! You gave me everything Bakugou, I need to help you out" he stood up and smiled at me. "Take a break for now Eijiro, it's time for lunch"
"Steak! Thank you Bakugou!" he hugged me really tight and sat down to eat. "You got yourself your first friend" I said to him while eating. "You are my first friend" "I mean yeah but beside me you got yourself a friend on your own" he smiled at me and eat on. He tried to stop smiling but couldn't. I did it, I saved him from horrible nightmares of his. He is happy and is getting friends. Maybe this town is right for him, I can teach him how things work here and introduce him to everyone and then he can stay here with them while I go on.

 Maybe this town is right for him, I can teach him how things work here and introduce him to everyone and then he can stay here with them while I go on

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I have no idea how to draw backgrounds. Also if anyone want to look at my art you can go look at it on my instagram _saara.draws

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