New Year's Eve

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((GlitchNote: The order of the stories posted are not the order they happen. They are following the calendar year.))

"I can't believe I let you talk me into this..."

"Oh come on! You know that you'd rather be out here with me then at home," Miles laughed as they pulled Samantha along the busy sidewalk from the bus stop.

Samantha rolled her eyes and pulled the hood of her coat tighter around her with her free hand.
They were right. If she hadn't been out here with Miles she would be sitting at home watching whatever program was counting down to the new year. Her Aunt and Uncle were out for the night at a party a friend of theirs was hosting. She had opted out of going and when they were told she might spend time with Miles they didn't feel as bad going to the party without her.

Small flurries were starting to fall from the dark starless night.
"Miles, it's starting to snow!"

"Perfect!" They shouted as they continued to make their way to their destination.

Samantha finally took a moment to look around her, trusting in Miles to guide her. The bus stop they got off at wasn't one she was familiar with.
It wasn't until she noticed one of the street names she realized they were heading in the direction of the studio.

Samantha pulled back on the grip Miles had on her causing them to stop and look back.
"Miles," she pulled down her scarf so they could hear her clearly. "Why are we going towards the studio? It's closed for the holidays." She raised an eyebrow at them.
A sly smile crossed their face as they reached into their coat pocket and jingled what sounded like coins. But the smile on Miles' face was too Cheshire Cat-like to just be change in their pocket. 

With eyes wide she pleaded, "Please, please, PLEASE tell me that's the sound of coins for a fountain you know of that hasn't frozen over?"

Miles shook their head slowly, grin never leaving their face as they pulled out what Samanth recognized as Wally Frank's keys.


"Come on! It's getting close to midnight!"
They pulled Samantha the rest of the way.

Reaching the main door of the studio Miles released Samantha's hand to open the door and usher her inside.

She asked again, "Why are we at the studio? Of all places?!?"

Miles didn't answer her. Instead they walked towards the stairway that would lead them directly to the roof. Samantha sighed and hurried to follow them.

When she made it to the stairway Miles was leaning against the rails waiting for her. They reached out their hand for her to take but before she did she had a few more questions.

"How did you get those keys? Do you have a death wish?"

Miles could only laugh. Samantha scrunched up her nose and pulled her hand away for thiers.

Miles smiled with their hand still held out for her to take.  "You know I would never get you in serious trouble. But you'll get all your answers if you follow me."

Sighing, she took Miles' hand and followed them the rest of the way up the stairwell to the door that would lead them to the roof of Joey Drew Studios.
Before Miles opened the door they asked for Samantha to close her eyes. Reluctantly she did what they asked. She thought she had come this far blindly. 'What's one more request,' she thought to herself.

She heard the door open and felt the cold wind blow in. She then felt Miles' hands take her by the wrists as they led her out the door and onto the roof.
The wind was a bit stronger up on the roof then it had been down below. Joey Drew Studios wasn't the tallest building on the block but it was tall enough that other buildings didn't completely block the wind.

Cold air surrounded her. The only warmth came from Miles' gloved hands that held her wrists.

"Just a few more steps," said Miles.

Samantha nodded, her face buried in her scarf to keep warm.
She then felt Miles release her wrists and take hold of them again.

"Miles? Miles, can I open my eyes now?"

She felt a hand lightly touch her shoulder and she about jumped out of her skin.

"It's okay, Samantha. Open your eyes."

Turning her head towards the voice she first saw Miles wasn't the one holding her wrist but was standing beside her smiling from ear to ear. When she finally looked to who was in front of her she saw her older brother, Shawn.

Pulling herself free from his grasp she lunged herself into him wrapping her arms around him.

"Hey there, Sammy."
Through her hat she could feel the kiss he pressed there.

"Oh my goodness," she exclaimed. "I can't believe this!"

"When you told me your aunt and uncle weren't letting you spend as much time with your brother as you would have liked during the holidays I came up with this idea," Miles chuckled.

Samantha released Shawn and turned to hug Miles. She buried her face in their thick winter coat they had gotten for Christmas trying her best to hide her tears.
"Thank you, Miles." Her words were muffled but they were heard.

The moment was interrupted by the sound of distant voices counting down.

"It's almost time," Shawn exclaimed.

Samantha let go of Miles but before turning to face her brother she gave Miles a smile and quietly tanked them again.
Quickly Miles reached out to wipe a fallen tear with a gloved hand, "You're welcome."

Together they walked to where Shawn was standing just near the edge of the roof. The distant voices counting down. Excitement filled them all as they neared the end of the year and the start of a new one.

Shouting could be heard all around and in the distance fireworks could be seen. 

Shawn moved to face Samantha and Miles and opened his arms wide inviting them both in for a hug.

Samantha rushed to hug him while Miles awkwardly placed himself under one of Shawn's arms. Shawn hugged them both tightly as he added his voice to the shouting that was all around them.
"Athbhliain faoi mhaise duit!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2023 ⏰

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