Loyalty, Leverage, and Last Chances

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The next morning once Dom had calmed down, they proceeded to come up with a plan on how to take down Campos before Brian went to run the plan by his Chief. Dom gets off of the phone with Brian before nodding his head at Honey, who sighs before dialing a number on her phone.

"Hello," Gisele says as she answers her phone while cleaning a gun.
"It's Honey," Honey says with a smile as she hears Gisele's voice.
"I was just thinking about you," Gisele tells her as she begins to put the gun back together. "You know, when I gave you my number I was hoping you'd call. But not under these circumstances."
"What circumstances? Me being alive?" Honey questions her with a smirk on her face.
"Don't take it personally. It's just business," Gisele says with a shrug despite Honey not being able to see it. "But I am glad that you're still alive."
"I got some business of my own," Honey says as she glances over at Dom. "Can you get Campos for me, beautiful?" Gisele shakes her head with a smile before loading the magazine into the gun.
"Uh-huh," Campos says after Gisele hands him the phone, causing Honey to hand her phone to Dom.

"Was that how Braga inspires loyalty? Killing his drivers?" Dom questions as he puts the phone on speaker for Honey to hear.
"One can always find more drivers," Campos answers him with a shrug, causing Honey to roll her eyes. "It's just good business."
"I want to trade," Dom says as he gets to the point of the call.
"Braga doesn't negotiate," Campos responds with a shake of his head despite Dom not being able to see it.
"That's fine. You explain to him how all of a sudden $60 million worth of product disappears," Honey says with a smirk as she crosses her arms across her chest. "I know for a fact that can't be good for business. Besides I'm sure I can come up with a few ways to profit off of that much product."
"What do you want?" Campos asks which causes Honey and Dom to share a smile as Campos starts singing a different tune.
"Six million cash, delivered by Braga himself," Dom answers him while Honey raises her eyebrows at the cash amount, causing Campos to laugh. "I don't like being shot at. I ain't gonna put my neck out again unless he's got something to lose, too."
"He'll never go for it," Campos tells him as he shakes his head.
"Either we deal with Braga, or you do," Dom states with a shrug despite Campos not being able to see it.
"When and where?" Campos asks him as he makes up his mind.

Brian, Honey, and Dom stand under an abandoned overpass as they wait on Braga and Campos to show while the FBI hides in some freight containers nearby.

"Well, the good news is, when we get this guy, you walk out of here free a man," Brian says as he looks over at Dom, who stands between Brian and Honey.
"Is that what they told you?" Dom asks him with a slightly teasing smirk as he crosses his arms across his chest.
"Yeah, that's the deal," Brian answers him as he looks down.
"You still put milk and cookies out for Santa Claus?" Dom asks him in a sarcastic manner.
"Yeah," Brian answers with a smile. Campos' people start pulling in, causing Honey to cross her arms across her chest as she prepares for what is about to go down. "In case things go shitty." Brian holds his keys out to Dom, causing Honey to raise an eyebrow in question.
"Just like old times?" Dom asks as he takes the key, causing Honey to realize that it was something from their past.
"Yeah," Brian says with a defeated nod.

Fenix starts towards they as soon as he gets out of the vehicle before Campos quickly gets in front of Fenix while pushing him back.
"He's harmless. Don't worry about him," Campos tells Dom as he stands in front of them before a smirk grows on his face. "And he's really sorry about Letty." Honey glares at them as she clenches her fist. "Where's our stuff?"
"You mean the stuff that used to be in here, right?" Honey asks him as she opens one of the now empty cases behind them before crossing her arms across her chest once again. "Well, you'll see it when we see Braga. That was the deal."
"No worries. Braga keeps his word," Campos says with a smirk before a man in a suit gets out of one of the cars.
"$2 million," The man says as he drops a bag in front of them. "You get the rest when I get my property." Honey notices that sweat starts to bead on the man's forehead, causing her to realize that the man in front of them isn't Braga. Honey makes eye contact with Brian before lightly shaking her head.
"I got a question for you," Brian says as he realizes what Honey meant with her head shake. "Were you wearing pink when you were clawing your way out of El Barrio?" The man looks at each of them nervously.
"You're both thinking what I'm thinking, right?" Dom asks as he crosses his arms across his chest.
"He ain't Braga," Honey says in conformation.

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