5 - Look Both Ways

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(Time skip to skip the awkwardness. Btw Happy Star knows your name but likes to call you "friend" most of the time)

You are sitting comfortably on a couch, wrapped up in a blanket. Happy Star disappeared again, you wonder how he's able to do that. You don't have much to do at the moment: your phone died a few minutes ago and you're not allowed to invite friends... if you had any.

A thought crosses your bored mind; what if you took a walk? There's nothing stopping you, and you could use some fresh air.

You got off of the couch, folding up the blanket that you were wrapped in and setting it down. You went to grab your shoes. Your parents haven't bought you a new pair since last year, but these do just fine.

You start to wonder where your star friend is while you slip on your shoes. As you reach for the doorknob, you hear his friendly voice.

"Friend, wait!"

You turn your head to see Happy Star next to you.

"The note! They told you that you shouldn't leave the house, what if you got hurt?" He said, trying to persuade you to stay.

You glanced at your bandaged arm, then back at him. He almost immediately understood what you meant.

"Oh... Well then, let's go!" He said, his tone changing to be cheery. You opened the door, being met with a cool yet refreshing breeze. Surprisingly, the traffic didn't seem too bad, despite it being Saturday.

It only took a few steps outside for you to be met with more city noises. You actually didn't mind it, however, it distracted you from your home life. You began walking down a sidewalk, soon noticing that nobody else was batting an eye at Happy Star.

"Erm, hey Happy Star? How come nobody's freaking out or anything..?" You whisper to him. He notices this too, looking around and wondering the same thing.

"Huh... yea, that's pretty strange! I'll try talking to one of them!" He says cheerfully as he floats over to a random passerby.

"Hello!! I'm Happy Star!!! Who are you?"

The passerby didn't even notice him. Almost as if he was a ghost. He kept trying to get their attention to no avail.

"Can'tcha see me you silly goose? Let's be fri-"

Happy Star gave up when the passerby walked away, never batting an eye. He floats back towards you, seeming disappointed with himself. "It's.. like I don't exist to those people, they don't even hear me! I-I'm real.. right?"

You decided to reassure him. "Of course you are, Happy Star! Not to mention.. you're kinda my only friend at this poi-"

An unfamiliar voice interrupts you.

"Uh... you alright, kid?"

You glance infront of you, there's a person that seems to be a few years older than you, wearing a simple fit consisting of a hoodie and jeans. (A/N they can be any gender you want lol)

"Huh..?" You mumble.

"You were talking to yourself."

"Oh.. erm- sorry..."

Talking to yourself? But you were talking to Happy Star! But it sorta makes sense, since you're the only one who could see him. You glance over to Happy Star, he's staring at the person infront of you in confusion.

"Ah, no need to apologize! By the way, uh- my aunt hosts therapy sessions! Mainly for people with delusions and stuff.. here." The person handed you a card with a number and location on it.

It made you feel a bit sick in your stomach as you stared at the card, then watched the person walk away. Happy Star was in disbelief, he knew he wasn't a hallucination.

"...Huh... That guy was a little strange! Heh.." Happy Star tried to keep his happy spirits up while talking. You decided to reassure him again, this time in a whisper so passerbys wouldn't stare.

"Erm... Dont worry, bud! You're real!" Happy Star seemed to be cheered up by that, you smiled. However, the things that person said... Even though he meant to help, it stuck with you.

You continued walking down the sidewalk, Happy Star following behind. He seemed to enjoy the outside, looking around at all the scenery and activity.

While deep in thought, you came across a crosswalk, Happy Star grew a little nervous as you began to cross.

"Hey friend! Don't forget to look both ways!"

He saw that you seemed to be in a dissociated state. He looked away for a moment and tried to shake you a little.

"F-Friend! Hello? Ya might want to walk faster.."

You were too busy inside your thoughts to hear him. What if what that person said earlier was true? But it can't be true, Happy Star's real. Infact, he's your only friend. Imaginary or not, you need him-


You felt a shove and a strong breeze pass by, falling to the ground. A loud honk was heard as you felt the breeze. You were too deep in shock to realize that...

Happy Star saved your life.

Your vision was a blur, there were people starting to surround you, shouting at you. You couldn't tell what they were saying.

It was loud.

Too loud.



You held your head in your hands as you lay on the ground. Parts of your body stung because of pavement scrapes. The shouting made the pain worse. You couldn't take this. You wanted to scream but couldn't. You began to cry.

Hands were trying to help you up, but you didn't like it. They weren't Happy Star's hands and you knew it. Suddenly everything went dark and you felt a fall.

You passed out.

(Wowow longest one so far. Btw I'm starting to lose motivation so expect less updates. 982 words)

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