Telling everyone else y/n is going to have a baby

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This is what the frame looked like

This is what the frame looked like

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Just imagine the test is there

Okay skip to Sam coming back from being out with his mom we called colbys friends to come over

Skip 20 mins later

They came down and sat next to eathother
They were all concerned what was happening

Okay close your eyes as I said

Okay you can open colbys hands were on my tummy and my hands other my tummy


Me and Colby shouted
YESSS As you can tell he's very excited and proud

Everyone came up and were saying hello to the baby and I cried again Colby hugged me

Why you crying bubs as he said

I'm just so lucky to have you and everyone else in my life as I said

Skip 4 months I'm now 4 and half months couple months to go

All our fans were worried about both of us we both a video about it and we were talking and we showed the test and the scan And we said that was a wrap for today as I said

bye guys we will get you updated on how the baby is doing as I said

Colby kissed me and we were making out as he felt the baby kick

I said did you feel that as I said🥺

Awh both of my baby's look so cute as he said we held hands walking to the living room were everyone was (I posted the video) and I had my head on Colbys lap
We were looking through the comments they were all so nice but some were bad comments saying

You don't deserve Colby your only doing this for fame

That baby should be killed

Y/n slut
I cried and I deleted all the bad comments I was making Colby upset too

Skip a couple months
It was a couple of days before Christmas I went Christmas shopping for Colby and he went shopping for me
But little did I know Sam Stas and kat were with him and they were buying a engagement ring for me and he was going to do it Christmas morning
It was Christmas Eve and me and Colby had matching pjs I bought and me and Colby didn't want to find out the gender until my due date
It was Christmas morning and he had the box in my pocket
(Our pjs had pockets)
We said merry Christmas to his family members and mine and all our friends we both said merry Christmas to eathother and the baby only 9 days until our little princess or prince is here

We gave eathother presents and he told me to close my eyes and stand up so I did that

And he told me to open my eyes and he had the little box in his hand and he was down on one knee and he asked me to marry him

Y/n you have been the love of my life I will promise to love and protect both of my little baby's so y/n will you marry me?

he got up kissed my tummy and me and hugged me
Skip to New Year's Eve
It's 11:55
We were with all of our friends and we waited a couple of minutes until it was 12:00
Me and Colby kissed and my tummy
And everyone said

my eyes were tearing up it was so sweet and Stas and Kat came over hugged me congratulating me and Colby about the proposal
Skip 1 one
Tomorrow our little princess or prince will be here
It was 10:20 and I needed to pee a little and I was peeing and I was getting contractions And I shouted colbys name and he came in and I was crying and he noticed the bed was wet my water had broke we rushed to the hospital and our I was in labour for a little while until it was 11:59 our little princess was born at 12:00 2nd of January Stas and colbys birthday Colby said to me this was the best birthday present ever
She weighed 9 pounds
Her name was Carla rose Brock

He was so happy she shared a birthday with him it was so cute
Anyway she started to cry in Colbys arms and the doctor came in and said okay are you ready to fed this little one as the doctor said

I guess I pulled the gown down and I put her mouth near my boob and she starting eating and colbys face was so funny I nearly cried
They doctor left i was so tired I need a cuddle so I patted on the bed for Colby to come over so he he did that and she was still eating and Colby said I wish that was me so I hit him in the arm
Hey don't be rude as he said
I was too sleepy and I said why don't u try pushing a baby out of ur vagina and come back to me when u have learned he looked shocked as I said that he said sorry and Carla was done eating and I got in a shower to look good Colby was lying done with Carla on his chest it was so cute we never told anyone that I had Carla
It was the day I got to go home and we told everybody to come over ovs Sam was at my house so me and Colby had the house to ourselves to organise some stuff as Carla was sleeping she looked so cute and we went upstairs and changed her nappy well Colby did I never as I was cleaning I took off the bed sheets and Put them in the washing machine since my water broke on them
But everyone came and they said how's the baby doing and I said to them doing good
And everyone asked where Colby was I called Colby down and he had Carla in his arms And Kat And Stas ran up to him
well Stas I have a surprise
And she said I hate surprises
Well you Colby and the baby share a birthday


yup popped the p what's her name everyone said
Colby said

Carla Rose brock

Awh that's so cute everybody said
Colby said who wants to hold her?

Me Stas said
Okay sit down as Colby said to her

Awh she's so tiny and little she starting crying me and Colby hugged her since the 3 of them share a birthday
Everyone was holding her except Sam
Sam wanted to be the last person to hold her

Okay Sam your turn
Okay he said scared
Omg she's so little Kat let's have a baby pls
I'm getting baby fever from holding her as Sam said me and Colby were standing up hugging

You done so good momma as he kissed me and I posted the pic of Carla rose brock on all socials.

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