Chapter V

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̶̶̶̶  «̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ «̶ ̶̶̶  Maybe Tomorrow  ̶ ̶ ̶»̶ ̶̶̶ ̶ »̶ ̶̶̶  

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When the girl had defused her temper by herself she decided to rejoin her family and return with a kettle of hot water ready to set herbal tea from the things she will get from her grandma if she throws her the right looks.

Glancing at her parents who sat outside their home she passed them and walked through the entrance. Lo'ak moved out of his sister's way without a word being shared since midday and it's happenings and watched her put the kettle down, smiling as spider kept bugging her brother. "you want a kiss on the boo boo?" 

"I would use yalnabark" Kiri advised the healer of the clan. Making her grandma raise her eyebrows "Oh you would?" Irony filled the room apart from Neteyam's little grunts "and who is Tsahik?" At'anau smiled in herself as her grandma's eyes trailed her for a second as she walked in. the girl greeted and walked past them. 

"You are gra-move!," She pushed Lo'ak who wouldn't step away on his own "you are grandma, but yalnabark is better." She sat down next to the woman "stings less."

"Oh he's not feeling a thing, is he?" Spider exclaimed in the room as At'anau rumbled in her grandma's belongings the minute she laid her eyes on them. She poured the hot water in different sized cups along with the herbs she'll later confess to have borrowed, and let them set. 

"Nope," the oldest inhaled sharply "tickles." 

"oh mighty warrior."  the girl cooed, kneeling down and putting a cup in his hands before sneaking a peace of painkilling Birch leafs between his teeth. 

At'anau poured a second cup, passing a piece of Monk fruit to Tuk, who was watching her sister's fingers and gave her the cup to pas to Spider who accepted it gladly. 

Another one for her grandma and Kiri she reserved for when they were finished and after she poured her a fair amount, she palmed the last warm mug for a second and held it out for her youngest brother. 

Lo'ak unfolded his arms, eyes shooting up to his sister and accepted the beverage with both hands. Unlike his sister he was still sulking and she noticed. Wetting her thumb in her own drink she rubbed it against the boy's cheekbone, cleaning the remaining war paint that stained his skin. He squirmed and missed the way she scanned him from head to toe before tugging at his braid light-heartedly. 

Lo'ak almost hissed, but saw that was what she was provoking. The girl turned around without a word and watched the healer do her job. 

At'anau adored her grandma, Tsahik of Omaticayan, and watched as she continued spreading the ointment on Neteyam's wounded back before sitting down around them. 

The girl looked outside at both her parents sharing a deep conversation as she noticed her father's twisted features. 

The girl looked away when her mother locked eyes with her and she couldn't want to go to sleep more than she did at that moment. Fatigue washed over her like the tea when down her throat and she wished thoughts of everything that could've gone wrong today would put themselves in a safe with a lock and a broken key. 

At'anau was sat against a foundation of their home and watched her family around the tsahik. She was still deciding whether or not to speak to her little brother about today, but didn't want to kill his evening more than their father already did. Guilt would undoubtedly cloud him as well, so she'll let him go today.  

"there" Mo'at exclaimed and allowed Neteyam to leave. 

The girl, who had dosed off, noticed the three middle kids had left and Tuk was already put to bed. At'anau sniffled a laugh as she eyed her brother who obviously was spiritually and emotionally done with the whole ritual and still influenced by the herbs she kept feeding him, but at least he was standing on both feet. 

"The true golden child." the girl looked up at the boy who was rubbing his eyes, getting dizzy by doing so too roughly. The girl stood up, ready to leave with her brother. 

"oehu alo" (your turn)

At'anau gave herself a whiplash by looking at her grandma. She watched her brother put himself to sleep and swore she dreaded the upcoming hours more than the battle they'd survived that day. 

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a short one bc I've got an exam tomorro

y'all know the drill by now, lmk when you spot typos i'll give you 9 dabloons

Edit: exam went poopoo caca

 Edit nr.2 : other exam went poopoo caca aswell. 

am currently writing, but it's going a lil roughly bare with me. 

smooches x

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