5 AM

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Note: I just wanted to write some married Lukadrien fluff because I love them. This is Turning Tables AU Lukadrien, but you don't have to have read the Origins fics to read this. This oneshot stands on it's own. Also yes Origins - Freedom is still in progress as of posting this. I fully intend to keep giving glimpses of how things turn out in the end without giving much away about the plot of Origins. But obviously, Origins - Freedom has a happy ending. <3


Luka didn't generally think of himself as a morning person. He didn't mind them, it's just that he preferred to—and usually did—wake up at whatever time naturally would. Which, naturally, was much later than 5 AM, the exact time that was lit up on his phone screen.

The blaring of his alarm made him groan in agitation.

He had chosen a song he really loved for the alarm sound. It seemed like a good idea when he set it. Now, he made a mental note to not do that again. It was a great tune that didn't deserve to be associated with being woken up before the sunrise.

He turned off the alarm and sat his phone back down. His eyes roamed around the nearly pitch black bedroom that was illuminated only a little by the streetlights filtering through the edge of the curtains. The lack of light didn't exactly give him any motivation to get up. Luka felt movement beside him.

A sleepy voice mumbled mockingly, "Oh that's no problem at all! Sure, you can come by and pick up the guitar at 5:30 in the morning."

Those were his exact words on the phone the night before. He'd done some customizing on a client's guitar. It wasn't major work, but they were only in Paris for a few days. Of course, they wanted to take the instrument back with them. This Luka understood. He also preferred traveling with his instruments vs shipping them. He just hadn't realized the client would have to come by to pick it up early the next morning before catching a flight.

Luka pouted. "I should have just offered to run it by the hotel they were staying at last night. But they offered to come by and I just agreed."

His own voice sounded raspy to his ears. It really was way too early.

"Yeah... you did. Now we're both... awake." Adrien certainly didn't sound very awake.

"I've got to get up or I'll just fall asleep again." Luka turned on his side and went to pull the blanket off of himself.

"Nooooo." Adrien's strong arms wrapped around Luka under the covers. "Don't go. You're so warm."

"Babe, you can't do this to me. They are going to be here soon." Luka's eyes threatened to flutter closed. He very much would rather just stay here in bed with Adrien. What would it hurt to go back to sleep even if for just a little while?

"Just stay a few more minutes." Adrien pressed into Luka's back in a comforting, familiar embrace.

Luka was already way too close to falling back to sleep and he knew his husband far too well. "Don't do it."

"Do what?" Adrien said groggily but the mischief in his voice still rang through.

Before Luka could respond he heard the rumbling sound as Adrien began to purr. It was a trait he'd developed from being Chat Noir for so many years. The sound was more comforting than any white noise machine he'd ever heard. It instantly made Luka relax when he was tense. Sometimes Adrien would even use it to calm himself down when he was stressed about something. It was such a soothing sound and being wrapped in Adrien's arms was so comforting that Luka could feel himself drifting to....

The alarm blared again and Luka's eyes snapped open. He looked at his phone that now said 5:20. Had he really fallen asleep for nearly 20 minutes?

Adrien stirred behind him. "Hmmm... backup alarm. You're so smart."

"I just have 10 minutes before they get here. I really have to get up this time."

"Fine." Adrien whined but removed his arm from around his husband. "I guess you can go."

He might have been free from Adrien's embrace but Luka didn't actually want to be. The fact that he continued laying there a bit longer made Adrien laugh sleepily.

Luka surrendered to his fate with a sigh that he was sure sounded like a disgruntled toddler, but he couldn't be bothered to care. Finally, he unwrapped himself from the warm blankets and got out of bed. When he reached the door of the attached bathroom he switched on the light to it while "accidentally" also hitting the light for the bedroom itself.


Adrien winced at the sudden brightness, but it was Plagg who actually hissed at him from his own little bed in the corner. Sass merely curled in on himself more to shield his eyes from the light.

"Oops nothing, you did that on purpose." Adrien muttered.

"Maybe I did. Maybe I just wanted to see your handsome face." Luka teased.

Adrien propped himself up on his elbows just to give Luka a deadpan stare from the bed. The blonde hadn't put his hair up the night before and his long waves were quite a mess of tangles, with some strands crossing his face. His eyes looked as tired as he felt. Luka genuinely loved to see Adrien so disheveled— a way no one was allowed to see him back when his life was completely controlled by someone else. It reminded him of how far his husband had come. Even if Adrien was currently only concerned with the blinding light and the fact that he was awake when he'd clearly rather not be.

"Well, now that you've seen it. Can you turn the light back off?" Adrien dropped his head back into the pillow face first.

Luka laughed, but he mercifully turned the bedroom light back off. Then, he quickly got dressed to meet the client. As he was brushing his teeth he heard a knock on the front door. A glance at his phone revealed the time.

"It's only 5:25." Luka rolled his eyes. As if the planned time wasn't already early enough.

"I'm going to cataclysm them." Adrien's voice was still muffled from the pillow.

"You are not."

"Well, if he won't then I will. Who shows up early for something so early?! They're clearly evil." Plagg whined.

"To Cataclysm them you'd have to actually get out of bed."

"Never mind." Adrien and Plagg said in unison.

Luka smiled as he heard a soft laugh coming from a sleepy Sass.

Luckily the business exchange with the client didn't take very long. They were happy with Luka's craftsmanship. They paid him and even gave an extra tip for his speedy work on the project. It wasn't long before the client left and Luka returned to the bedroom. He could hear Adrien's deep breathing indicating that he had indeed fallen back to sleep. The clothes Luka had quickly put on were comfortable enough that he didn't bother changing out of them or anything. He just hoped he could actually go back to sleep after the interruption.

It wasn't like Luka kept a strict sleeping schedule, but waking up so early and staying up didn't seem like the best idea. He got back into bed and the movements caused his husband to stir. Luka again laid on his side and Adrien automatically wrapped his arms around him and cuddled close to his back. It was impossible to tell if Adrien was awake at that point or just moving on instinct.

Adrien's hand had settled on Luka's chest. The guitarist rubbed the back of it before moving it to his lips. He gave the hand a gentle kiss. In that moment he couldn't help but be grateful for the life he had. Things could have gone very differently for him, and certainly for Adrien. And yet both of them were here, together, safe and free.

"I love you, my muse." He said softly.

Adrien began to purr again. As it turned out Luka had no need to worry about returning to sleep for the next few hours. He drifted off comfortable and loved in Adrien's arms.


Hope you liked this fluffy story. No one in their house is an early bird. Are you?

Comments are appreciated.

I'm CassarillaDraws on tumblr, twitter and insta. <3

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