Chapter One

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I really do hope you enjoy this fic, I recently got back into watching Danny Phantom, as in bingeing the show because why not my mind decided this would be a good idea for a story. Please prepare for tears for the first couple of chapters, I did not mean to make it this sad and heartbreaking but you know this first chapter was written at like three in the morning almost four and I was crying while writing it. But anyway, thank you for choosing this story.


The day was too bright and sunny outside for the family standing in the cemetery. There were almost zero clouds in the sky with a temperature of 75 degrees. Birds were chirping and flying around, and squirrels were running around the trees with their acorns or whatever food they could find. Families were walking their dogs in the park, and children were running around the play set. Teenagers were huddled in groups around the city or at the Nasty Burger, a fast food joint.

Only the Fenton family didn't seem to find the day a good day at all. But, why would they? They were standing in the Amity Cemetery burying Daniel Fenton, also known as Danny. Maddie, his mother, was in hysterics as she gripped her husband's arms and cried into his broad chest, loud and messy sobs fell from her mouth. Snot fell down her nose as the tears moistened her face and no matter how much she tried, she couldn't wipe the tears from her face.

Jack, Daniel's father, was holding it in the best he could. He told himself he had to keep it together, be stronger for his wife and his other child, and be a pillar for them. Even though on the inside he felt he was just as dead as his son laying in the casket in front of him. His son. His own son was killed by his own invention. He hated himself for it, he should have taken precautions ever since Vlad's accident years ago in college. This wasn't the first time something like this happened. Vlad Masters, his best friend, was severely injured by a Proto-Portal. It was five times smaller than the one that had killed his son, but Vlad very nearly died in the hospital afterward. He felt ashamed of himself.

Jack tightened his hold around his wife's thin frame his hand rubbing up and down her back soothingly. He didn't say anything to her, didn't whisper sweet nothings into her ear, didn't kiss her on the head or wipe her tears away. No need to, because nothing would soothe her knowing their child was killed and they were somewhat at fault. He just held her and let her cry as messily and noisily as she needed to. 

Jasmine, better known as Jazz, Danny's older sister, was just as bad as her mother. Instead, she was holding onto Vlad Masters as tightly as she could, crying silently but harshly into his chest. Her little brother, her little brother. That's all she could think about. Her little brother was dead.

He was so young, so young, and had big dreams. Danny had dreamed of becoming an astronaut and going to the moon. Danny loved the stars and could show and name every single constellation. But now, she'd never get to sit outside with him as he pointed to the constellations, telling her their stories and names again. She'll never get to share his telescope to look at the planets again and she'd never get to hear him talk about them with the biggest smile on his face. Because her brother was dead, being lowered into the ground in front of her.

Vlad Masters was never good with emotions, he never knew how to handle it when others showed emotions such as grief and sadness, or even anger. And he was slightly awkwardly holding his niece close to him as she cried over her brother's death. All Vlad could do was rub her back, much like Jack was doing to Maddie. He stared down at the black casket that contained his young nephew's body. The casket had those little neon yellow glow-in-the-dark stars and the different planets gorilla glued to the top. Honoring the love of space Daniel had even in death.

Vlad appeared the 'calmest' one out of the family in the cemetery. Though Jack was holding it in, he could see it in the way Jack was clenching his jaw, biting down on his teeth harshly with his eyes shutting almost painfully closed. After the funeral, Vlad would take him somewhere and let him let it out without feeling like he needed to be strong for whatever reason. His heart ached as he watched his college friends and held his niece tightly. He turned to his other side to see Danny's best friends. Sam Manson and Tucker Foley. 

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