the break up

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I woke up the next morning, Savannah was still asleep so i climbed out of bed and left her a note saying i had gone out, and drove to the hospital. Upon getting there i watched Zayn walk out. He looked sad, i walked through to reception and Savannah's doctor greeted me before we left to do the test's. After about an hour i walked out of the hospital hoping that i was a match. I drove home and parked in the driveway. I walked inside and found Zayn sitting on the couch crying, Savannah was in the kitchen making a few cups of coffee, i walked over to her and wrapped my arms around her from behind before putting my head on her shoulder, i could feel her smile.

'good morning squirt'

'good morning cupcake'

'want a cuppa?'

'sure, whats wrong with Zayn?'

'Him and perrie broke up last night'

'oh, I'm gunna go try cheer him up'

'ok, i love you'

'i love you to'

i walked over to were Zayn was sitting on the couch, he looked up at me, upon doing this, his face went from being blank to sad, tears started to trickle down his face. Well this was awkward, how do you try cheer a guy up. I sat beside him,

'Wanna play the ps3' i asked him

'yer k' he replied

i set it up and watched as savannah bought the cups into the living room. We played the PS3 for about 3 hours, Zayn cheered up bit and i think it was because he was beating my ass at all the games. That night i took Savannah and the kids out for dinner, i didn't know how long i had left with her, i was going to make our time together count.

-2 weeks later-

I got a phone call from Dr Smith


'Please tell me i match or we found a match, just give me good news'

'Harry you do match' he said to me

My heart dropped now Savannah was going to lose me and the kids were going to lose me, but i had to do this

'when can we do the oporation'

'harry let me finish ok/'


'We also found a second match'

'Well thats great news'

'The other donor match said the operation could be performed in 3 weeks, I'm about to call Savannah and give her the good news'

'Thank you doc'

'no worries, have a good day Harry'

'you to'

i hung up the phone and walked down to Savannah and the kids, just as i reached the bottom of the stairs Savannah's phone rung. Everything was going to be ok, She was gunna live, I was gunna live, The kids were all healthy, everything was perfect.

Savannah got off the phone and called me into the kitchen

'yes love'

'harry i have to tell you somehting'

'go on then'

'I'm dying, i need a heart transplant, i thought they weren't going to find one but they did, i go in for the operation in 3 weeks'

'thats such good news love'

'i love you harry'

'i love you to'


Second update for the day and i know their small but yer haha

omg neither of them are going to die :D erh me god .

Please give me feedback, only about 3 or 4 more chapters left :(

love you guys

-Breannah xo

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