Basic information

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so like funny fantasy book i write when bored.

I made a whole like google slide on the characters and information of this and shit, and I will upload the map down below, and some information so you're not supremely confused.

I do appreciate like feedback and stuff because i'm a somewhat new writer and stuff and the stuff i write kind of sucks ass, I do have someone helping me edit this, though they're not like completely professional and stuff. So give feedback please please pleaseeeeeeeeeee.

Some base info of this is that it's a huge fantasy world with a lot of shit going on, 4000 years ago there were sky gods, The god of Stars, The god of Moons, The god of Suns, and The god of Clouds, they're kind of dead now and have shrines dedicated to them, but only the Stars and Moons shrine have been discovered, like puzzles and shit to unlock. They tell time by the sun and moon, instead of AM or PM they say 'the 7th sun of the day' which is 7 AM or they'll say 'the 9th moon of the day' (9 PM) and when it's like 3 AM, they'll still say 'the 3rd moon of the day' I know that sounds confusing but I didn't want to make time super different and stuff, for the first few chapters i'll put in parentheses what time it is to make sense of it. 

Im not gonna add much cuz i wanna make it mysterious kinda and stuff but if ur confused on smth i can try and explain it somehow without spoilers(maybe). Some chapters may have titles, some not i suck at naming stuff. Here's the map (I know it sucks). The first part will be directly uploaded with this but the second part may take a while or smth to be uploaded depending on my schoolwork and stuff. 


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