William Hawkes

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I clocked in this morning, set up the tables, ignited the fire, and opened the shop. It was a slow day, not that I minded too much. There was a plethora of homework I had to complete from my university classes, and a quiet day was just the thing I needed. If any of the managers or other workers walked in and asked what I was doing, I could just sit near the fireplace and say I was tending to it while watching for customers. The couch that sat right near the fireplace and faced the door was in the most perfect position to be able to see every customer.

Hours had passed since I opened the shop. The fire grew dimmer as I toiled away at my notes and homework compiled from the several classes of the previous days methodically. Many other students from my university also knew that this was a perfect quiet nook to study and catch up on work after I had shared the location with them. Usually, many other students would be here, studying away on the couches, but today must have been a busy day for others, as no one I knew entered the cafe.

At eleven, a soft chiming flooded the background of my music. My headphones had been streaming a violin solo recording until the sound confused my mind. Had that been a subconscious want for customers to arrive? Or was it some background noise I had never noticed in the solo? The random zoning out from my work had caused me to lack any previous motivation or focus. I gazed around the room before I startled and abruptly stood up, making my way to the counter. How had I not realized there was a customer here! If any of the managers had been there to witness that...

"Good morning, sorry about the delay. Welcome to Ardhalis Coffee! What can I get for you?" I smiled politely.

"It's my first time here, I was just wondering what you would recommend." The customer spoke. Her coat was littered with snowflakes and held the strange combination of the smells of pollution and fruits if that were even possible.

"Well, I personally like the chai tea, although I've been lobbying with my managers to get the name changed since it directly translates to 'tea' so it would just be 'Tea tea'. But other than that, it's definitely one of my favourites. Also, the chocolate muffin is really good. I bake them fresh when I get here." There was this underlying feeling of a need to impress her. She had an air of importance, even though she looked to be the same age as me.

A/N: I said i was gonna post daily but i've already managed to miss a day im so sorry. I am sleep deprived and I have just finished exam week. i promise to try and actually stick to my schedule. 

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