Aaliyah BrownBorn on February 3, 2004 (17 years old)
She is the daughter of Craig and Vanessa Brown.
Her best friend is Chris
How she looks to other characters: She is a preppy student who does a lot for her school. In other peoples eyes she is "PERFECTChristopher Vasquez
Born on January 14, 2004 (17 years old)
He is the son of Coach Vasquez (He is the coach of the school's football team.)
His best friend is Alaiya
How other people see him: He is the coaches son and the manager of the football team, so he is usually seen by his team members as a quiet unknown boy.Zachary Nguyen
Born on July 2, 2004 (17 years old)
He is the son of Tuan Nguyen and Nhu Tran
People usually see him as a "nerd", but he changes his appearance to attract Alaiya's attentionTristen Jackson Jr.
Born on September 24, 2003 (18 years old)
He is the son of Tristen Jackson Sr.
People usually see him as the cool popular boy because he is the QB of his highschools football team
a happy Ending
Teen FictionThis is a 4 pov (The story is told in the point of view of 4 different people) short story. The story follows the main characters: Alaiya Brown, Christopher Vasquez (aka. Chris), Zachary Nguyen (aka. Zach), and Tristen Jackson (aka. TJ), through the...