☾ Jared chapter 1 ☽

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Hello people of the internet i have a simpbur story for you this is part one please tell me if you want me to continue

3rd person pov:

Wilbur had always had an obsession with you. Every time he watched you streaming, he felt a nervous sensation in his stomach; some would call it butterflies but it wasn't it was much more than that. He wanted to know you, to really know you, behind the streamer that you showed. So, he did.

No, he didn't talk to you, he's too anxious for that. Don't get me wrong, he'd love to talk to you. He'd love to hear your voice say his real name instead of his username when you thanked him for the dono and sub's. However, he's more of a, let's say, observer...

So, Wilbur spent months learning how to ha- well, not hack. He spent months learning how to gain access to your camera,and your files,and your password to any account,and your messages. But only because he cares! He'd never do it to upset you. He just wants to... keep an eye on you.

He has a schedule, and since he knows yours, he basically merged them together. You wake up at around 11:30AM-1:00PM on weekends, but 7:15 AM on weekdays for your part-time job at the local book shop. Wilbur visits sometimes, in case someone tries to talk to you or more so flirt with you. But there have been people there to flirt with you but there has been this one boy jared... He hates Jared whenever he comes in, you get uncomfortable and Wilbur can tell and you get even more uncomfortable when he flirts with you. He has bothered you enough for him to get your phone number. He sometimes texted you at night. It was almost never in the morning and you can tell that when he sends it at night he wants you to come over but you're too innocent to notice. But with the other boys that come into the book shop he's seen some of them stare at Wilbur, which really causes his blood to boil.

You come back home at around 3:45 PM, usually taking a shower, changing into some comfortable clothes and redoing your makeup for a stream. Wilbur's glad he's been able to see you without any. It makes him feel special. All the other guys in your comments have seen you with layers of makeup, hiding your natural beauty. Yet, he... he's seen you raw.

You always start streaming at 6PM. Maybe 5PM if you're bored. Of course, he donates every time nothing under $30 though.

Once you end the stream, you usually scroll on tiktok or text your friends for a while. But you text jared back. Wilbur looks over to the username and immediately picks up his phone, opening instagram and tapping onto the keyboard furiously. Jared. Says he's 6'0 but is actually 5'11. 23. No kids. Gym buff. Single (if you don't count his 4 year long relationship). And last but not least, a massive, fucking asshole. Wilbur was mad at himself for not searching him up because he wanted to protect you he wanted you to himself no one else...

Wilbur looks up towards his monitor, watching you with furrowed eyebrows. You were smiling. Smiling at him. Smiling at that prick. He's not good for you. He wouldn't make you happy. He doesn't know you. He doesn't really know you. And you don't know him. You don't know he has a girlfriend by the name of Christine. However, without this information, Wilbur wouldn't be able to compromise this blossoming relationship.

After a few days of sitting through tortuous conversations with Jared and you, he had enough he started to make a new account, not bothering with a fake name,just his name with a default profile picture. He then searched up your username, which was one of the only things he knew off by heart, and immediately started typing a message to you. This message contained all the information about Jared and his girlfriend, including pictures of the two and Christine's username, just in case you wanted to do some snooping yourself.

Wilbur looked up towards the bookshop. Spotting you through the window behind a bookshelf, hiding that you were on your phone. Without a second thought, he pressed 'send'.

He looked up, trying to see your reaction. However, your facial expression was unreadable. Wilbur furrowed his eyebrows at the sight, looking up and down in between you and the message. You read it. He could see that you read it. So why aren't you upset? Why don't you care?

Leaning against the lamppost, he stared, watching you still type away on your phone. He was so stupid. Of course you didn't care. Of course you- ding!


Wilbur looked down towards his phone, seeing an instagram notification. He opened the message.

'Thank you wilbur'

'Your welcome <3'

He texted back and just smiled at the text but he looked back up to your face and his heart started racing. Is this real? No. He's dreaming. Wilbur pinched himself then winced at the pain. He's not dreaming?

You were smiling with your cheeks a bit red he couldn't believe it you were smiling at his text and you said his name

He needed to talk to you

Hello people hope y'all liked this tell me if you want a part two

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