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[Time this is set in apo and bek already escaped from the clearing into the maze and no one died yet.]

Pov Owen

I was just walking in the maze mapping out some spots. Until I see a watcher above me on the wall he throws something down. I try to move to dodge but I was too slow. I could hear a splash. and could feel the liquid on my body. I look at my arm to see the weird liquid was drying up. I look at the place the watcher was standing but there were gone. But I could hear a "good luck little guy" from above me. I walked back to the clearing and thought that it would be smart to go to soup's house. I knock on the door and a couple seconds later it opened. "Owen? What brings you here?" She said. "Well I kinda got hit by a potion in the maze, and I was wondering if you could check if it's not poison," I said, I didn't like it to ask's for help but magic will murder me if I got poisoned and didn't ask for help. "Oh okay, but I do need some blood for that," soup explained when she get a needle to get some of my blood. After that was done I waited for some bit until soup came back. "I think the potion was too old to have any effect, because I don't see anything strange in your blood," she explained. "Okay thanks for your time soup" I said when I walked over to my house. On my way to my house I started to feel dizzy and just right before the door I almost fainted. "O God Owen!" Magic said running over to me she opened the door and just looks at me and said "when was the last time you slept? Owen?". I think about that and said "before apo left,". "Oh okay let's get you to bed then," Magic said while dragging me inside to my bed. A couple minutes later i was laying in bed and magic had put her bed by puddy.

That's when i didn't feel so good I could feel a shock going through my body and then some creamy coloured hairs started to growing everywhere on my body very quickly. I could feel my ears sinking into my now haired skin. And I heard my skin on my head rip open to let two big light brown fluffy round ears escape from under my skin. I wanted to scream in pain but I didn't want to wake up magic. I could feel a tail growing down my back. My body started to glow a toxic green and I started to shrink down until I was just a little smaller than a human hand. My feet and hands had changed into paws. And my clothes had changed too I was wearing a gray blouse with a brown Belt with pockets and some light brown pants the only thing that was still the same was the necklace with a red gem. i had the red one and apo the orange one. My hair was light brown but just a little darker than the fur on my body.

that's when I hear magic waking up. No no she can not see me like this, I think when I run over to one of my cabinets and I hide under it."owen? owen?! owen!" magic screamed when she sees my emty bed she runs out of my home sreaming in panic. a couple minutes later she comes back with mohwee and Squidney. 'what do you mean owen is gone," mohwee said. they enter my house "he left his weapons then," mohwee said while ponting at my bow and javelin on the floor. i try too run out of my house but get picked up by squidney "aww look what i found mohwee," she said while showing me to mohwee. "squidney owen is missing please concentrate," mohwee said angry. i was taken by squidney outside but when we get there a watcher was standing out side on top of a tree. "aww is your little friend missing" the watcher said that's when i recognized him it was the same one that threw the potion on me. "mohwee!!" squidney screamed mohwee come running out of my house right away. "what's wrong squidne- he stopt talking when he sees the watcher. "where is owen!!" squidney screamed at the watcher. "he is closer than you think, but i just wanted to say that im going to fry his little brain in a couple days, so if you find him you can say your goodbye to him, because he is not going to remember anything after that he wil not even remember that he is a human, goodbye outsiders," the watcher said laughing. he is going to fry my brain to make me a real rat i thought. magic was crying "im going to lose owen!" she said. mohwee looked shock his eyes were wide open and squidney was almost crying too. she started to pet me on my head to calm down. "okay give me five days to look for him in the maze, and until then lets keep this a secret please!" mohwee said magic and squidney agreed to that and mohwee left to get ready to look for him in the morning but unknowing to than that he was still with them.

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