The "date" part 1

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It's the day... it's been a week since my last stream and I have to get ready to meet bill, I've been in England for 2 months, I've been staying in Brighton because chat recommend it to be a good spot.

I've finished getting dressed and getting ready.

I grab my bag full of my things and rush out the door locking it before checking the time. It's only 1:00pm and the stream starts at 4:00pm so I decided to stroll around town, maybe get some lunch and do some browsing.


I sit down in the nearest cafe, it's cozy, the waiter is approaching me with a smile on her face. "Hello, what would you like to order today." She asked me. She was very pretty.

"Umm, could I please get a cha latte and a f/f ?" You say (f/f means favourite food) "yep, no problem sir/miss/mx ." She said before winking at me and turning back around and walking to the kitchen, leaving me somewhat flustered.

I just sat there blushing before grabbing my phone and looking through social media before a message popped up on the top of my screen. I clicked on it and responded.


Billzo 🥚
Hi U/n, just wanted to give you the
Address ————, I hope I see you there :)

Hellllo Billzo, I'll be there at 4 on the dot, you can count on it :]

Billzo 🥚
Great! Can't wait!!! :DDD
-seen 1:46pm-


I smiled and put my phone down seeing the girl come back with my latte and food. "Thank you!" I said as said placed the food in front of me. "No problem dear." She said marking me somewhat flushed again.

"Hey!" I said before she could turn away, she looked back at me. "Here." I said handing her a tip, what she didn't know was that I had a peace of paper in between the folded note, that had my number on it.

She smiled taking the money and walked away.

I finished eating/drinking my meal, payed and left.


I found my way to a cute little shop about a 20 minute walk away from my hotel, I entered the shop and started looking around.

While I was looking I spotted a cute beanie. How funny would it be if I wore a beanie to hide my hair seeing as he's got no hair. I giggled to myself before trying the beanie on.

 I giggled to myself before trying the beanie on

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It's one of these

I looked it the mirror. I love it! I quickly payed for it and put it back on.


I walked back to my apartment and waited.


It's now 3:30pm and I have to be there at 4! I jumped up and called an Uber. Luckily the address isn't that far away.

The Uber arrived at my hotel at 3:40 and I quickly got in the passenger seat and told him the address.

"So what's a pretty girl/boy/person like you doing alone and in such a rush?" He said smirking at me through the review mirror. "Nothing, please don't call me pretty sir." I responded back, he was lowkey creeping me out.

"Well clearly your going somewhere, what is somewhere?" He asked still looking through the mirror. "I'm just going to a date-type-thing, can you please stop talking." I responded bluntly.

"No need to be so rude babe, I just wanted to know." He said. "DON'T call me babe sir." You said back feeling really uncomfortable. Luckily bill's place was only a few houses away.

We pulled up in front of the building and I pulled out my wallet to pay the driver. "Here you go sir." I said handing him the money before quickly checking the time. 3:58. "Thanks pretty, any chance I could get your number baby." He said while putting his hand on my thigh.

"HELL NO BITCH!" I said opening the door and jumping out of the car. What a creep. He looked at me pissed before he drove away. I flipped him off watching him disappear into the distance.

I walked into the building and up the stairs to the apartment. I checked the time. 3:59. Just on time I said before knocking on the door.

A tall boy with a funny shirt answered. "Hi, you must be y/n, I'm Harry." He said shaking my hand before letting me inside.

He led me to the lounge room where there where two women who I presume to be the other speed dates. I sat down on a chair and pulled out my phone. Harry went into another room.

I could hear a bunch of guys talking in the room next door. I opened up twitter on my phone and tweeted out telling everyone to get into billzo's stream, I told them I would be there.

The tweet instantly blew up seeing as I am a very popular twitter user.

Billzo and some other guys entered the room. "Hi, thanks for coming to this stream!" He told us before his friends introduced themselves.

"We already started the stream, we are just going to leave it on the starting soon screen for a few mins." He said.

He talked all about how there are going to be a lot of jokes and how this isn't a real date it's just for fun. After awhile everyone was chatting amongst each other while Billzo went back to the other room to talk to chat.

I was talking to this guy called Freddy, he was pretty funny.

Soon they all disappeared to the other room leaving just me and the other "dates".

Words : 965
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