Chapter 18

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Chapter 18


Since then, Jin became gloomy, he became withdrawn and didn't talk much even with Jimin and Jungkook. He returned to work after feeling better. Jungkook had forbidden him to work but Jin still did it. The bruises on Jin's body are still visible, he is also often seen with pain in his ribs.

"Jin" Jungkook said.


"Are you going to the hospital?"


"Let me take you"

"No, I can do it myself"

"Jin, Jungkook wants to accompany you" Jimin said.

"I said I can do it myself" Jin left them just like that.

"This must be hard for him" Jimin said.

"No, he will be fine"

"Promise me you'll take care of him"

"Yes, I promise, he is my responsibility now" Jimin smiled and hugged his husband.

It was 11 pm, Jin came out of his room and got ready to go home, he was surprised to see Jungkook approaching him.

"Have you done?" Jungkook said.

"Why are you here?"

"I want to pick you up"

"I brought the car so--"

"I don't have a car, so I will drive, where's your car keys" Jin gave it to Jungkook and they left.


"You don't need to pick me up, I'm fine" Jin said.

"Can't I pick up my own husband?" Jin turned to look at Jungkook.

"If you are doing this because you feel sorry for me better stop doing it"

"How are your ribs? It still hurt?"

"How did you know?"

"You think I haven't noticed you? Does it still hurt? Did he hit you in the ribs?" Jin just stared out the window and had tears in his eyes.


"Yeah, he hit me in the ribs really hard, I still remember the feeling"

"Hey, I'm sorry" Jungkook took Jin's hand and held it.

"Jungkook.. what are you doing?"

"What should I do as a husband"


"Jin, it's because of me that I ignored you, I should have paid attention to you, you won't experience something like this, I'm sorry"

"No, it's not your fault"


When he got home, Jungkook parked his car.

"Thank you" Jin said.



"From now on don't worry, I will take care of you, I have reported it to the police and the police are looking for him"

"You don't have to do that, he can't possibly go to jail"


"I don't know but the police won't look for him, it's just bullshit"

"Hey, trust me" Jungkook took Jin's hand again and made them look at each other.

"I won't let him to touch you"

"He said I belonged to him"

"No, he's wrong, you're my husband, that means you're mine" Jin had tears in his eyes and Jungkook wiped them away.

"I'm sorry" Jin said.

"For what?"

"Because I troubled you"

"No, why are you talking like that? It's my duty as your husband, so don't cry anymore, okay?" Jungkook cupped Jin's cheek and caressed it.


Their gazes slowly entered, Jungkook could feel the sadness from Jin's eyes. The feeling of devastation he couldn't describe. The fear that enveloped him, was clearly visible in Jin's eyes.

Jungkook drew closer, without taking his eyes off Jin, Jin closed his eyes when their lips touched. For the first time, the kiss happened. Jungkook led the kiss and kept caressed Jin's cheek. Jin returned the kiss with matching gestures. Their heads were moving to the right and to the left, until Jungkook broke the kiss and placed his forehead on Jin's.



"Thank you" Jungkook pulled his head and kissed Jin's forehead.

"Yes, let's go inside, Jimin must be waiting for you" Jin nodded.

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