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Damian 's pov
When I first showed the tiniest bit of magic at the age of 7 with overa-san .
I got taken by s maniac who wanted to create a revolution against superheroes.

I took down iron man by the age of 9 bare handed . I should embarrassed but I am damn proud .

I was then sent to my father who was a - don't mind my language - total asshole but I met my big brother again . Jason todd he was a reliable alley , I also met the boy my grandfather was obsessed with tim drake , he was smart I like him .

It's been two years since I went to live with my father . I am eleven now my father was expecting a letter any day now . Until one day it came my letter to hogwarts the same school my brothers were students at .

Dick grayson 7th year hufflepuff
Jason todd 5th year slytherin
Cassandra wayne 5th year gryffindor
Tim drake 4th year he is one year above ravenclaw
Duke thomas 3rd year gryffindor
Stephanie brown 3rd year gryffindor
And there is me damian wayne 1st year.

The so called boy who lived will be there too I suppose. I don't really care as long as noone bothers me .

I am here now with my brothers to board the red train to hogwarts I was anxious even if I won't tell anyone I had my cat hunter with me .

I will be fine aunt severa will be there I took a deep breath and my first step into becoming a great wizard like my great grandfather.

293 words
Hey new story I decided take up this because I have been hesitating but i got the push I needed sorta anyways enjoy
Arrevedercci 😀

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