𝒙𝒊𝒙. past comes biting back

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nineteen. past comes biting back

            THE KIDS YELLED IN BLISS AS THEY JUMPED ON THE BRANCHES OF THEIR HOME. Running through the forest with her siblings, except for Neteyam, as he was patrolling the land with their parents, and her best friend: Spider. Le'ah knew if her dad knew where they were right now, they'd get an ear full. Jake had banned parts of the forest where no one was allowed to be, such as the old shack, because of the dangers and memories the place contained.

      Le'ah loved the mountains they had moved to despite the reason behind it. She loved to look down and see that she was higher than the clouds, making her feel like she was on top of the world. She felt freedom when the air blew through her braided hair, the breeze hitting her face soothingly like a lullaby to put her to sleep.

      As they continued to run through, Le'ah had her bow strapped around her back as she took in her surroundings. Le'ah smirked at an hexapede—or in Na'vi, they called it a Yerik. Le'ah saw it as a competition, removing her bow from her back and lifting it in front of her whilst taking an arrow from the quiver she had, placing it on the string of her bow. As she held the arrow straight, just like her dad and mom had taught her, Le'ah squinted her left eye for a more accurate shot but was cut off when she was about to release the arrow by Kiri stepping in front of her.

      Le'ah puckered her brows at her sister, watching the deer-like creature hiss at them before it ran off. The girl scoffed, shaking her head at her sister, "I was just having fun," Le'ah told Kiri, causing the older one to roll her eyes as they met back with their siblings. Le'ah saw Tuk reaching for a group of plants, enveloping her three-fingered hand. Le'ah exhaled, meeting her twin's side as she called out for her youngest sister, "Tuk, keep up!"

      Le'ah didn't bother to hear out her younger sister's response before she started rushing towards the older kids. Spider spoke up, gazing at the twins, "bro, why'd you bring her anyway?"

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