Chapter 5: Which path should I choose

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When we last left of the Godrose and his team ware dealing with angel that has every knowledge of this game and including it's player's. As for King and Kaile they ware still stuck in the tunnel caverns with the truth water still intact in them. And finely sir Kait battling his former master on one-v-one battle.

At The Robotic Lad

A mini helper robot was being interrogated in a room with three other robot's with him. The two bots how had blasters were defense force bots, and the one how is interrogating the capture robot is the manager of the Robotic Lad. How is very mad with this bot how didn't fallow any orders given to him.

Manage bot:"Oi, you better listen to the cammands that was given to you ok, or else you'll be destroyed in the trash compactor." The manger threatens the captured robot, but he instenly turned away which made him more pissed off.

Helper bot:"Oh yeah well listen here buddy I won't be listening nor following to your dumb, good for nothing, and annoying little pipsqueak commands like you!" The  helper bot said it with pure  confidence which anger the manager, so he ordered the defense robot's to take him to the compacter. Then after the command was set, he quickly left the room and let them do there thing.

Helper bot:"Hey hey hey, you better not get any closer now you hear." He told them to quickly back away from him but was ignored as a result.

But just before the defense bot's could take him away they were immediately shut down and fell on the floor by a another robot how was wearing cape while posing at that time. And then he told the captured robot that "don't worry, you won't get hurt anymore, and do you know why, cause I am here" the cap robot said it with pose to show that he was confident. But as for the one how is still tied up, he had a sweat drop or oil drop at the side of his face.

Robot:"Oi, stop posing over there and help me before more defense bots come in here." The robot was very worried with this situation, because he was still weak in this form.

Let us have a brief introduction.

He used to be a player of the aotu game and his name was Reid, but was controlled by his master to leave the games and his fellow commander's behind. But just before he was about to enter the ship, his inner program made him stop and that program was the time he fell in love for Shesu.

And thanks to his inner willpower he was able stay on the aotu games and finally be able to make his own decisions from now on. But as for his master he got really pissed with his creation, so he tried to command his robot slave to come a bored the ship once again, but to no avail. So he decided to give him a goodbye gift, but not like good one no, one that will definitely give a goodbye bye welcome in heaven.

He planted a self-destruct mode on his body which made his program crash, and he wasn't really able to remove it. But just before the count down ended, he quickly transfered all his data to the robot that he destroyed so he can live again, after all he is a robot. He tried many ways to reunite with his team and his love. but failed over and over until he ended up here at the Robotic Lad.

End of explanation

The capt robot realist Reid from his robotic jail sell, and Reid thanked him and started to walk out the door. But just before he left the capt robot ask him to stop and he stop and ask why.

Capt:" Listen here, there's a dark secret that the high council must not let the other contested's know about alright. And this is one of the reasons why I freed you and warning right now, so please be careful out there cause your life will soon be taken away by it . And everyone you know and love will be gone as well." The capt robot said it with fear down his heart and as well as a dark tone in his voice which made Reid feel more and more worried for her. For Shesu.

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