A Nightmare Worth Remembering

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I believe I am in the middle of suffering from a nightmare I am unable to wake up from as an uncomfortably warm sensation traces down my leg to cause my body to twitch, shift, and sweat without my control, yet no matter how much I manage to shift, that sensation always seems to catch back up with me eventually. I attempt to open my eyes to escape this repeating process, but everything is still pitch black nevertheless. I have never encountered sleep paralysis before, and although I am not particularly numb in any of my limbs; moving them or turning over onto my side doesn't seem to do much at all to help me get away from this cycle. It is as if this dream has me perpetually stuck in place to endure this strange sensation until my mind either ignores it long enough to fall fully unconscious again or until my mind grows so frustrated with the event that it forces me awake so I am able to reset anyways. For now, I do my best to try and do my best to relax even though each familiar warming press against my skin causes my hips, waist, and thighs to tense up and bring me back out of my trance. However, very soon I feel my cadence in breathing shift as the uncomfortable warmth moves from my calves to instead press against my shorts-covered thighs, and considering I don't wear shorts to bed, I begin to get quite worried about just how real this nightmare feels compared to every other slightly strange or unexplainable dream I've had, but that illusion is short-lived. I immediately grasp the situation once I feel the amalgamous form of the heat pressing against my body begin to squeeze against the material of my shirt, yet another thing I do not regularly wear to bed. Someone is touching my body without my consent, and I am unable to report it to anyone due to the fact that I am blindfolded and tied to whatever surface I am lying across. 

To my surprise, I am not gagged, so I am able to converse with the molester. My voice feigns confidence and power, for I am not sure just what is going on around me as of yet, but I'd like to get out of here before I find out, "Let me go. I'm sure you don't want to remember your first time in this light, and quite honestly, neither do I."

The touching stops, allowing me to breathe a bit more normally again due to me no longer feeling the heavy heat of a pair of palms gliding up my stomach. I attempt to sit up and cover myself if the person who is currently committing this crime had managed to uncover me while I was unconscious, but both my arms and legs are bound to make me absolutely defenseless against their advances. I am lying on a bed that is quite soft, cushioning, and inviting to put me back to sleep, but even still, I do not want to share another moment with someone who would do a reprehensible act like this, and I'm sure that is clear enough from the look on my face. Nevertheless, I do not struggle nor act defiantly in the face of my abuser in case I piping up did manage to piss them off. For any, it is very lucky to escape with your life from such an ordeal, but I would rather not think about such a thing and rather stay calm even if the possibility of such is more common than it should be; the kidnapping of a human being to have sex with in itself is still a huge problem despite the fact one would tell another about how much our society has changed. The hand that stopped touching me from earlier now smooths and caresses against my cheek, causing the entirety of my body to freeze in fear, yet interestingly, the hand despite caressing me further, has begun to shake; peeling and unraveling the cloth secured around my eyes barely just tight enough for it to not come off while I was resisting. They are showing me their face. 

The voice is one of a girl, seemingly about my age, and it sounds quite timid and nervous even though it is a voice that one would hear if the roles were swapped, "Don't open them yet, the light in the room is still pretty bright."

I blink and squint my eyes open to find that she is indeed correct, the yellow-tinted glare of the ceiling light is fairly bright, but it doesn't take too long for me to adjust to as I immediately take in my surroundings, the attire I'm wearing, and the face of the woman who abducted me so I am able to gauge the danger I am in. This bedroom definitely belongs to a girl I go to college with, and although I have familiarity with whomever this woman is; it soon proves itself to be horrifying in a way I couldn't have predicted. Their reasoning, although still primarily to take advantage of me, ensures that I alone would be the only person they could have done this kind of reprehensible act to. Plastered all over the innocent and inconspicuous pale blue walls are posters that describe my likeness, and although these are all very good photos of me practicing my life's work of being the outside hitter for the collegiate volleyball team; the fact that they are all across this woman's bedroom rather than mine seems to convince me that I may be in a little more danger than I thought. I am trapped within a shrine erected for me, and considering I am bound by my ankles and wrists whilst wearing my volleyball uniform; it is safe to assume that this obsession towards me is one that is deeply fetishized. My stomach churns in discomfort as I feel myself forced to close my eyes before I even confirm who this deeply troubled individual is; unable to keep my superficial defiant expression as I can't bring myself to look at these photos of myself in this context. 

A Nightmare Worth RememberingWhere stories live. Discover now