Part 8

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Throughout the movie Alyssa could see Chris in the corner of her eye, laughing, singing, and vibing to some familiar songs.

Alyssa was, dare I say mesmerized by the sight of this. It was obvious to anyone who looked her way she liked him. At least it was to Nils. He was in the seat behind Chris, watching her watch him.

"oh Alyssa" Chris whispered, turning his head to see she was already looking at him

"This is my favorite part," Chris says to her.

'Can you feel the love tonight' started playing and Alyssa had the sudden urge to lay her head on Chris's shoulder. When she does, it shocks Chris, but a smile grows on his face. He wrapped his arms around Alyssa as they cuddled into each other.

When the movie was over both Alyssa and Chris waited by the exit for the rest of the crew to come down

Alyssa leaned against the wall "How did you like the movie" Alyssa asked Chris

"It was alright" Chris replies "Not as good as the original though"

"Yeah, I one hundred percent agree" A soft smile formed on her face but it quickly disappeared when she looked him in the eyes. Alyssa felt everything at once. She couldn't move, she couldn't think anything other than 'kiss him'. So she did

Alyssa quickly grabbed Chris's neck and brought him into a kiss. Chris almost automatically kissed her back. To them, the kiss was long and passionate. Chris's first official kiss and Alyssa's first kiss where felt special.

They both back away from the kiss and continue to stare at each other. Alyssa almost smiled before she realized what she had just done.

"I'm going use the restroom," Alyssa said walking away quickly.

Chris stood there in shock. Not knowing what to do until he felt a hand on his shoulder.

Chris turned around to see Nick "What the fuck was that," Nick asked

" I have no clue. But I loved it" he replied

Nick shook his head while all of them walked out of the movie together

They all waited by the bathroom for Alyssa.
She was taking a long time so Chris decided to text her


Christopoop 💩

You've been in there for a while 🚽🧻


                          I'm not in there anymore 💀


Then where are you?

                                      Alyssa 🐣

                             Outside the restroom waiting for you 😑


No, you're not


                                  Yea I'm in the one downstairs




                          Closer to the car, duh


Ok we're going to meet you


Chris told Nate, Nick, and Matt that Alyssa was downstairs. They all went down there to meet her.

They all made their way to where Alyssa said she was. Chris and Matt were having a meaningless conversation when Nate interrupted "You know we can just wait for her in the car" Nate's voice grew quiet when he saw Chris's facile expression fade.

Nick and Matt noticed Chris's face and looked at what was seeing

"Fuck this," Chris said walking away

Again Alyssa sensed that Chris was watching and broke away from her make-out session with Nils. When breaking away she looked behind her to see her friend's face in disappointment

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