Chapter 6

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HERE. WE. GO. Why the dramatic start? I dunno. I felt like it.

Anywho! Chapter six. This is the last chapter... for this fanfic anyway. This is supposed to be rather short, like 1/4 of a chapter (around 1250 words, I like my chapters to be about 5k words) and an epilogue rolled into one. The first chapter of 'No Way Back's rewrite will be on its way shortly after I post this chapter. I don't know if I'll even be rewriting 'One Last Visit,' considering the altered path I took with Guardian of The End. I guess we'll find out.


Enderbrina sighed, knocking on the door to the workshop she'd made for Simon. He didn't answer for a bit, but let her in. He seemed shy, and nervous.

"Hey... sorry I was cold at first. I'm not much of a people person. But you're okay."

"I'm glad you feel that way. Don't worry though, I just stopped by to say 'hi' and see if you needed anything."

"Actually, I do... more redstone, some glass... iron, and some pure sodium."

"Uh... alright, I can do that."

Brina materializes everything he asked for, sighing when her energy doesn't drop at all. "Anything else? I can materialize plenty of other stuff, if you want."

"No, thanks. This is good for now. Hey, I heard you were gonna have your enderman friend as a dagger, or something..."

"Yeah, what about it?"

"Could I be one as well? Even though I'm not even slightly ender?"

"Uh... well, you wouldn't be able to tinker anymore..."

"Right... but I'd still be alive, and... well, I... didn't have the best past... I'd like to keep you company when I eventually pass away."

She rubs the back of her neck. "Okay... sure, I guess. But you don't have to be put in a dagger... it could be a bow or something."

"So long as it's a weapon you'll use once in a while... maybe a shortsword."

A plan slowly formed in her head. "Uh... sure. I'll have to... look into it. But I'll turn you into a weapon, promise."

He nodded, and went about tinkering. She watched him work for a while. His green hoodie, and his orange goggles were a bit odd, and his gloves... were set up with flint and steel so he could light a fuse with a snap of his fingers. He was a genius, if a bit of a shy one. She smiled. Yes, she'd like to keep him around.

Leaving, she decided to just relax for a while. The Three Worlds were peaceful, so why not just explore them?


Warp waited nervously. The new apprentice had apparently already had some training and was pretty much a pro at smithing already. Kentu was just telling him how to forge endermetal, and he'd be all set.

"Warp? You ready?"

"Huh? Oh, uh, yeah, I'm ready, Kentu."

The enderman walked into the smithing room, looking at the apprentice. "Don't worry... I'll try to make it quick, Warp..." the young smith said. "I don't wanna hurt you."

"Thanks... I'm ready."

Warp went over to the enderboy, and knelt down, offering his neck. The knife in the boy's hand pressed, and then Warp knew only sweet oblivion.


Warp just floated about in the shop, watching as his body was forged into a dagger. Kentu found some dragon scales, and used them for the hilt instead of leather, the way they looked was amazing. Then, he saw his enderpearl cut open, and the dust inside poured out over his dagger self. Enderbrina came rushing in moments later, and she gasped, tears coming to her eyes.

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