chapter -2

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"Hey dad!" i tried to sound as confident as i could but clearly my voice gave away. I was terrified.

Lets just start by saying that my father was one of the most fabulous fathers in the whole gigantic universe....until his business took off. This was followed by loads and loads of arguments and stress between us. I really missed the father -daughter relationship we once shared. Now, the only relationship he has ,is with his work.

"Tanya, where the hell are you? Mr.Malik has already been here for the last two hours and you have still not managed to reach. I'm giving you ten minutes Tanya...if you're not here within ten,you can kiss this job goodbye. Now, stop slacking and get here! "

"Dad i'm......hello? dad?" he hung up on me! i am so screwed today!

After a quick shower i ran to my beautiful marble white closet and pulled open to reveal my more than simple outfits. What can i say? i'm not one to dress up.I like simple things. Don't judge kay?

Pulling on a white shirt , coral blazer and a pair of white trousers i ran to the do my hair . "Ma! can u please whip up some breakfast for me ?please?" i begged while i scrunched up my curly red hair and popped on some eyeliner and mascara.

Satisfied with the way i looked and after grabbing a quick bite ,i got into my mini copper that i got for my eighteenth birthday and took off to face the wrath of my father .

After what felt like forever,thanks to the Delhi traffic, i pulled up in front of the shiny glass building which to me was my personal hell.

the lobby was buzzing with employees and potential employees and blah blah blah. The picture seemed all too familiar and bothersome.


Seeing my dads name on his cabin door made me shudder for a second until the sound of laughter filled my eyes. one belonged to my father and other seemed unfamiliar...probably the damn Mr.Malik who ruined my precious sleep. ugh!

I gently knocked on the door and entered while whispering a soft greeting to the visitor. i could feel their gazes ,but i did not dare to look up. Not yet at least.

"Hello there. You must the daughter, tanya right? i'm Yaser. or Mr.Malik as you may have heard " a deep voice spoke to me with hint of amusement. The accent seemed British? yes, British for sure.

"Goodmorning Mr.Malik, its a pleasure to meet you.Welcome to india" i tried sounding as welcoming and pleasant and i was surprised at how well i succeeded at that. BOO YAH!

"Thank you dear, your dad has made sure i see each and ever corner of your beautiful city , oh and Rohit? i must say your daughter extremely beautiful"

" Thank u so much sir" i blushed.

"Please call me Yaser, your just like my daughter dear. Plus,i have a son who is close your age. I will introduce him to you at the party tonight ,he went out exploring the city today."

I forgot my dad was even in the room until he spoke up.

" You have a son? What is his name?

" Oh yes i do, i have three daughters as well. his name is Zayn."

Zayn.......his name sounded so different yet familiar . it sent a wave of excitement through my body.

Woah! where did that come from? get it together Tanya.

But anyway lets just say that i am looking forward to the party tonight .

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