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                                                                           {10 minutes later}

"Rumi! I found shelter ""Really?" she asked looking up. She saw a small cabin. Lloyd carried her in and set her down on the couch. "I'm going to find a first aid kit or something" Lloyd told her running off to find something to help her leg. A few moments later Lloyd came back with a first aid kit and ibuprofen "Take this" Lloyd said handing Harumi ibuprofen she took the medicine and let Lloyd look at the bite marks. "Ok so the snake didn't get you that bad, so your leg should only be paralyzed for a few more hours." "So you'll only have to carry me a little longer," Harumi said, nudging Lloyd a little, making him blush. Harumi giggled, " So what are we doing for food?" she asked "I don't know, I'll see what I can find." Lloyd went over to the kitchen and rummaged through the cabinets, "Found something!" "Oh, what did you find?" "Noodles," Lloyd said laughing. "Well it'll have to work," Harumi laughed

Harumi now noticed that Lloyds gi was stained a reddish color. "Hey Lloyd come here please" Harumi called, not wanting to arouse suspicion. When he sat down she laid on his shoulder and put her hand on the spot that was stained, on his chest, causing him to whence. "Lloyd what was that? what's going on?" "Umm... it's.. uh nothing!" "Lloyd!" "FINE! I got cut when I was behind you, it's really not that bad." "Lloyd let me see" "No, i-it's fine" Harumi got up and came back with the first aid kit. "Ok, Lloyd... so I'm going to need you to... um." "To what?" "Take off the top of your gi." Harumi said as quick as lightning. Lloyd blushed slightly as he pulls down his gi to reveal the cut,

"O-Oh My!" "What?" "Your cut is a lot worse than you thought, Lloyd!" "Ok i'm sorry i'm not great with first aid" "Ok" Harumi said rolling her eyes "Ok, this might sting a little" She put the alcohol wipe across his cut to clean it. She was so thankful for the dim lighting so he could see her face and she could feel it burning up. After cleaning the wound she put gauze across it and put medical tape on the gauze to keep it on. "Ok, done" "Thanks" Lloyd said pulling his gi back up.

"Lloyd, you should have told me!" Harumi yelled slightly. "Well im sorry that i'm used to this!" They argued back and forth about this for another five-ish minutes. "Please just... stop!" Harumi yelled as she got up and limped to the door as her leg was still hurting. Once she had closed the door Harumi broke down into tears.

Lloyd was on the couch wondering why she reacted like that, it was just a cut. one second they were laughing and the next she's yelling at him. Harumi wiped her eyes. She wanted to apologize but she didn't know how. Harumi got out of bed and walked to the door but didn't open it Lloyd wanted to apologize, he also walked up to the door but didn't open it. They did that again, and again but this time They opened the door. Harumi threw herself into his arms. They stood there in each other's embrace. "I'm sorry" Harumi whispered into Lloyds neck. "Hey, it's my fault I'm the one who made you mad." "No, I don't even know why I reacted like that," Harumi whispered again. "Please, will you stay with me and tell me stories of when I wasn't there?" "Of course, Rumi!"

Lloyd and Harumi walked over to the bed and sat down. Lloyd told her stories of when they were off for six months and when they were in the nether realm. She couldn't help but laugh at them all. As Lloyd was getting up to leave, Harumi called grabbing his hand

"No! Please don't go." Tears welled up in her eyes "Please, please stay." Lloyd sat back down. "Rumi what's wrong?" She borrowed her face in his chest. Lloyd sat there with Harumi in his arms, he rubbed her back till she fell asleep. "I love you Rumi" Lloyd whispered once he knew she was asleep. He laid his head on hers and fell asleep. 

Lloyd and Harumi after CrystalizedWhere stories live. Discover now