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Lucy's P.O.V




Oh no. I'm fucking screwed.

I stomp on the ground. "NATSUUUU!" Gahhh! What am I doing?! He probably heard that.

I gasp.

No. He's probably already on his way to get me. Great Lucy, just great.

"Shit." I mutter. What have I gotten myself into.

I need to keep going and hope that I can find the girls. Or find whoever hasn't been caught yet before Natsu finds me.
Natsu's P.O.V


"Lucy." I smirk.

Welp at least I didn't have to try. She practically told me where she is.

She's not that far from me. Yay! I'm finally gonna have my Lucy in my arms.

I reach the area. She's nearby, I can smell her. I start looking around and follow her scent.

"I can't believe this is happening to me." Her voice immediately stops me. I smirk. "Shit, what will I do if I bump into him?"

"Yeah, what will you do Luce?" I grin when she looks at me, the look on her face is priceless. Oh how I love looking at her face.


We stare for awhile.

"Nope!" She turns around and runs.


You know what? Doesn't matter, I like a chase anyway.

Ahh she knows me so well!

I catch up to her and see her reach for her keys. "Not this time." I mutter to myself.


"GAHH!" She quickly dropped to the floor, her hands on her head.

She got up and turned to me."Oh, you did not just do that to me!" Her hands placed on her hips.

I cross my arms. "Yeah, well I didn't want you calling your dumb spirits."

"My spirits aren't dumb! They're smarter than you!" She's now in front of me, her face red from anger.

I smirk. "Well, I'm smarter than you."

She scoffed and crossed her arms. "Yeah right."

I lean in and whisper against her ear. "Look around."

She looks around at her surroundings. Realization dawns on her. "Five second head start?" She innocently asks.

I shake my head. "Nope." I blow the powder Laxus gave me into her face.

She falls and I catch her. "I'm never letting you go again." I snuggle my face into her neck, inhaling her scent.
Lucy's P.O.V

I open my eyes. What happened? Where am I-

I jump from a loud snore. What the fuck?

I look to my left. "Gosh this idiot really fell asleep!"

He looks peaceful when his mouth is closed.

I push him off the bed. "Natsu! Wake up!"

I hear a loud thump. "Oww, Luce! Why'd you do that?!" He sits crisscross with an annoyed look.

I glare at him. "What do you mean! You were snoring so loud my ears were gonna start bleeding!"

He glared in return. "I was NOT snoring loud!"

"Yes you wer-"


"Oh my gosh." What. The. Fuck! Is that Mira and Laxus?! "Oh my gosh! That is gross! Natsu!" I grab a pillow and throw it at him.

He dodges. "Geez, that should be us." He pouts and crosses his arms.

"NO." I throw another pillow and it lands on the middle of his face. "Oof." He falls back.

"But why no-"

"Shut it." I glare.

"Hmph, you're mean to me." Whaat? "What do you mean? How am I sooo mean to you?" I ask, sarcastically.

He looks at me, a small pout playing on his lips. "Because you don't love me."

What? Lo- love him? I don't... love him?

I look down before looking back up to him. He looks... sad? The look on his face is hurting my heart. "Natsu," I softly call out but he turns his face from me. He looked so dejected.

"Natsu." I call out again but no response. I sigh before getting up and walking around the bed to him. I sit before him and cup his face, forcing him to look me in my eyes. "Why would you say I don't love you?"

"Because you don't wanna be with me. You keep running away from me, why?"

I sigh again before saying, "I ran away because I love you." His eyes light up and I softly smile. "I do love you, Nat-" His lips immediately come crashing down against mine. I don't fight against it and respond back.

He lifts me onto his lap, his hands roaming my body. I wrap my arms around his neck, pulling us even closer. He licks my bottom lip, asking for entrance. I let him in. Our tongues fight for dominance before Natsu doubtlessly wins. He eagerly explores my mouth and I moan into the kiss. I can't help but begin grinding against him, earning a groan from him. He squeezes my ass, causing me to moan. I trace his muscles with my hand and I swear I felt him shiver.

We pull apart and instead of him being the one to tower over me as always, it's me. Looking down at him. His eyes seem glazed, lips slightly parted, his breathing irregular, and there's a light blush across his face. Did I do this to him? Is this the power I have over him? I've never seen Natsu like this. And never have I ever wanted him so badly then right now. "Natsu." I breathe out. This gets his attention and instead of looking at my lips he's looking at me. Geez, he looks like he's ready to eat me whole. I can feel his member hard beneath me. "I want you." His member below twitched.

I see his eyes darken before he asks me, "Are you sure, Lucy?"

I nod my head. "Mm-hm, it's you so of course I'm sure."

He smiles at me before kissing me, hard, like it's the last time. He tugs on my lip causing me to let out a moan, allowing him to enter. Not breaking the kiss he gets up and walks toward our bed, placing me on it.

He's hovering over me. "I love you too, Luce!"
• • • • •

I wake up, feeling the warmth from the sunlight beam through. My eyelids flutter open and I sit up to stretch. Gosh I feel so sore, that punk! I look down next to me to see Natsu who's still sleeping. I can't help but forget being mad. He looks so cute and peaceful.

I caress his face. "I love you, Natsu." I smile at him.

You know? I can't believe he's not snoring right now.

Nope. Scratch that, I spoke too soon. "NATSU!!"

And that's a wrap. Only one chapter left, I can't wait! Also double update. Did you enjoy our Gale and Nalu?

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