Entry #1 Carson

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Looking around, just pitch darkness the only thing of light is the red exit light on top of the door. "I don't know where I'm at but this is spooky and where is everyone?" Carson stood up but a sharp pain came from his ankle, he looked down and kinda saw that his ankle had a sharp piece of broken glass in it, he grabbed the piece of glass and pulled it out, it was painful but he took some deep breaths and a couple minutes the pain eased down, but he was bleeding really bad tho. He headed toward the door, dodging the holes in the floor and the little desks, it was hard to see, but Carson was slow and carefully walking through the damaged classroom. He finally got to the door and slid it open and saw a empty dark hallway, it was really quite, he could hear his own heart beat, beating really fast. He looked both ways and stepped out into the hall. It was still too dark, he reached into his pocket and felt his phone that had a flashlight, he forgot about it, when walking through the classroom, his brain maybe wasn't thinking that at the time.

10 minutes later, Carson was wondering the halls for his friends, "where am I? And where are my friends?" He tripped over something and hit the ground hard, "ow what the..." He shined the light and saw a corpse of a young guy that looked his age. He got up fast and backed away, "is that a corpse?" Carson looked closer and yes it was, he stepped back and ran away through the hallway, not looking back. After awhile of running Carson had to stop and catch his breath, he looked back and just saw darkness, "Jesus this place is so dark and quite." He then heard a scream and something dragging and it was coming this way, Carson looked around for a place to hide, there was a door to a classroom, he ran over and swung it open quietly and headed in slowly closing the door but cracking the door to look. A big dude with a sledgehammer in one hand and behind him in his other hand was a girl getting dragged, Carson looked at her eyes, she had a look on her face of just pure terror and trying to fight away, but if she got away, she wouldn't be able to run cause one of her legs looked like it was completely ripped off clean and it looked like she was losing a lot of blood, but she was still fighting to get away, they stopped and she dropped from her capturer, Carson was about to run out and pick her up, but the big dead guy turned around, raised his sledgehammer above his head and swung it down with full force, hitting the girl in the head, bashing her head and skull like a grape, her body went limp and her face was destroyed, he grabbed her leg again and turned around, he started walking away with her body dragging behind him again and this time she wasn't fight, she was dead and gone. When the guy was out of sight Carson came out from the classroom, he had tears in his eyes and looked down, seeing the girls id tag that was left, he was shocked, it was Sophia from his church that got sucked down here with him and 7 others after doing that stupid charm. Carson picked it up and put it in his pocket for a memory, he headed the other direction, but something clicked like a button, he looked down and there was a trap, "Oh sh..." Carson's leg was sliced open deep, you could see the bone, he dropped and was screaming in pain, his leg would not stop bleeding and he started feeling cold, he was losing consciousness, was he dying, was he going to die, thoughts were racing through his head, he was still conscious looking around, his visions was blurry but he barely see a pair of blood footsteps walking toward him with a sledgehammer dragging behind him, Carson rolled over and just waited for the guy to end his life, but the guy didn't kill him, he grabbed Carson's bloody injured leg and squeezed it, Carson was in pain where he could barely handle it, he was being dragged through the hall and he knew it was over, before he lost conscious, he saw a little girl in red watching the dead guy drag him away, she had a big smile on her face, everything went black, when he came to, he was on a table covered in blood, he looked around and in one second, a pair of scissors came down into his eye stabbing into making him blind in one eye and then his mouth was forced open and the guy grabbed his tongue with big blood stain pliers and ripped Carson's tongue out of his mouth and his body started to twitch and but then he heard a saw and then the ground got closer and closer until his head hit the ground, before his vison went black, he saw his headless body get picked up and carried away, everything went black and he was gone.     

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