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Tia - you mean kartik desai,  son of Jamuna and praful desai

Naira- yeah , how do you know him

Tia - he is my brother

Naira shouts - your what???!!!

Everyone comes downstairs listening to her shout

( Birlas , Goenkas , maheshwaris and agarwals are there too )

Everyone- what happened Naira

Naira - I .... am ... married ..... to .... Tia's .... brother

Everyone- what

Tia - I am so happy my bestie is my bhabi

Naira - your bestie is not your bhabi

Tia - what do you mean by that

Naira- they think I am just a maid

Tia - a what ??!!!

Naira- a maid

Tia - you have to tell them about you know about you being  a princess

Naira- but

Tia - no ifs and buts . We are going and that's final

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