Chapter 2

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3rd POV:

Isa kept on packing clothes she thought were necessary, after all being in the military makes you look at things in a different way. She had no idea where they were going to evacuate her family to. She had not received one single update from them, although the person whom she sent the tip to had broadcasted her message. She wasn't sure if people were going to believe such a thing but she had done her part, at least what she could've done. Her mother was still working shifts at the hospital and had called Isa that she was going to be flown out somewhere because they needed more medical attention in Georgia? Or Alabama she wasn't sure. Although she kept insisting to her mom that she should come home since she wasn't feeling well, her mother stood her ground and went anyway.

That night Isa cried and kept on crying as she had come home from buying stuff for the baby. She didn't know how long this evacuation was going to last so she needed to be prepared not only for herself but for the baby too. After all this was a newborn baby barely had been adopted by their parents a week prior to her returning. She had gotten many first aid kits she couldn't think straight. She was ready to stay in Florida but then reconsidered it, there was a reason to be evacuating. That night she couldn't sleep, getting a nightmare about being out in the field seemed to trigger one of her older memories. She laid there just staring. She couldn't do anything.



They were right, everything had gone to hell. They were supposed to pick me and my brother up yesterday but they never came. I decided to wait today if they didn't come. I was ready to leave, I had to think about little jose, getting him somewhere safe. I had called my mother and she was telling me how someone had bit her and some of her other coworkers. I told her the truth then, I couldn't hold back. I don't know what happened next but then I heard screams. I guess she was gone just like that, I tried to warn her.

I was pacing in the living room after having changed into my military uniform. It would be easier that way to travel along. As soon as I decided I was going to be hopping into my truck and getting the hell out of here I heard ringing from my cell phone.

"Hello?" I asked rushing trying to see what sane person would be calling right about now

"Hello, Ms. Hernandez we are right outside your house, two sliders will assist in carrying your belongings." A different voice from last time answered, it sounded like a male?

"Okay" I answered back before hanging up and putting it in my back pocket. Quickly grabbing Jose and opening the door I pointed at the large bin that was on the floor to indicate everything was in there. Soon enough I followed them to a black car making sure to stay clear of the people infected on the street. Soon enough we were driving away from the place I used to call home. I didn't know where we were heading but the man in charge said we were going to have to get on a plane. After a while I decided to ask the most dreadful question I had so far, I needed answers, and I needed them now.

"What happened? What's going on?" I asked looking at the 4 men in the SUV with me

"We're not quite sure Ms. Hernandez, but be assured you and your son will be safe. We just have to get you guys to a safe house in Georgia." The man in the middle spoke, and I just nodded my head. I needed a rest but I didn't feel comfortable going to sleep with a baby unsupervised with these strangers. Quickly deciding against it and went on to rock the baby to sleep, silencing his cries as he finally went down for a nap. Putting his down against my chest I looked towards the man who looked like he was the leader I supposed. Putting my hand out he sighed hanging me a file

"We're not too sure on how this started" He spoke "An experiment gone wrong I suppose is what we say" He said chuckling to which I glared at him.

"Clearly not sir, if my commanding officer was kind enough to give me a note days before this shit went down." I said, staring him down watching as he squirmed under my gaze.

"Well I guess we'll never know" He said as he continued to read through some files, turning away from me.

I started making small talk with the soldier next to me, also in his uniform, extending my hand out, offering to shake his hand which he took, thankfully, that would've been awkward.

"I'm Isabella, wish these weren't the circumstances to meeting" I said offering a tight smile

"Jose, yes it is definitely weird to meet up in these circumstances" He said offering a forced smile right back.

"So how exactly are we going to get to Georgia? If you don't mind me asking" I asked Jose, not the baby, but the older Jose,

"Private Jet, we have a few soldiers up there with a community of safe houses" he said and I nodded, turning away to look at the baby in my arms.

"What's his name?" The leader spoke gesturing to Jose sleeping on my chest
"Jose, he's 4 weeks old" I said patting the baby on his bum to keep him asleep

"Oh wow another Jose would be nice" The older jose said chuckling

"Yea, I think we'll just call him Junior to not get mixed up" I said giving them a small smile watching them all nod with smiles while watching Junior wake up from his nap. 


New Chapter! I'm so excited for this story! Just wanted to give a heads up this story will not exactly follow the plot of TWD. Some chapters will be related to the plot but not all of them! Thank you for reading! 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 26, 2023 ⏰

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