chapter 7~*~ beautiful morning wake up

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Hey all, i am dedicating this to one of my first voters but im sorry i forgot the username, but thanks so much to you that have voted or read my book ottherwise it means awhole lot in my books.

anyways i hope you enjoy this chapter sorry for errors just message me or comment if you see any. thanks. and anyone who wants to give me a title picture for my book message me your idea and if you get a message back it will be used thanks so much.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


Cassies Pov~*~

I remember that previous night, my nightmare, niall singing me back to sleep. But this morning was even better, i woke up to a beautiful wonderfully lightly not shirted horan beside me. What a wonderful thing to wake up to in the morning i must say. I carefully trying not to wake him up pecked him on the lips, and i climbed out of bed only to be thrown back down. I turned around to see a giggling niall laying beside.

" Niall what in the word are you doing now, i was going to go make coffee," I squirmed. he just chuckled and placed a warm soft kiss on my lips. I pulled away which made him confused and i just looked at him and chuckled. " So what you can kiss me when i am sleeping but not when i am awake. What the He-" i cut him off by jumping on the bed and whacking him with a pillow. "Ow hey! what was that for?'' he shouted at me while rubbing his head. I giggled and walked down the stairs but to only hear niall shouting and running behind me. I ran down the rest of the way and started to sprint around the house trying to look for a hiding place ( omg this would be the best morning to have with niall just waitthere is more!) but aha finally i hid in a cabinet that i bet he did not even know he had. I heard some feet infront of me but a few feet away. "Cassie where are you, you can run but you cannot hide.?!" He shouted while laughing lightly. AH Ah AH Achoo! oh crap not the best time to do that.

I tried to remain quite after i had to apperently sneeze but that didnt work because all of a sudden the cabinet doors swung open and there stood Niall giggling. " ha I found you!" he said and picked me up out of the cabinet and all I caught was being flipped upside down over nialls shoulder and shouting. "AH NIALL NO NIALL PUT ME DOWN NOW. nIALL NOW PUT ME DOWN I AM SERIOUS WITH YOU!" I shouted but took breathes because i couldnt contain my laugh.

" Oh princess i cant do that until you say ' I Cassie find Niall the most sexiest and attractive singer in the whole world and i love him with all my heart' and then i will let you down." he said now spinning in slow circles. I couldnt take it anymore. "NO NOW LET ME DOWN" i shouted laughing and hitting and scratching his back. "FINALLY I CASSIE FIND NIALL THE MOST SEXIEST AND ATTRACTIVE SINGER IN THE WHOLE WORLD AND I LOVE HIM WITH ALL MY HEART. HAPPY" i finally managed to say. I was being put down slowly still alittle shaken.

Niall looked at me with a sincere look, almost like 'im going to admit something to you' kind of look and i was starting to get nervous. Was he actually going to kick me out? He hates me for what happened to him! i pushed those thoughts out of my head when niall grabbed my chin and closed the space between us. Foreheads touching now, nose tips aswell. All of a sudden all i know if someones lips on mine. Niall pulled apart and with parted lips i heard him finally speak. "Cassie, I love you. Yes i love you and I have since i first saw you. I love every inch and every bit of your flaws and your personality is the beautifulest thing aside from your looks. You are caring strong and kind hearted. I love everything about you, and what i am trying to say is, Uh. Cassie will you be my girlfriend?" He managed to spill which made my heart melt.

Nialls POV~*~

I stood there at a shocked expression on cassies face likie she had just seen a ghost or something. "Uh cassie you alri-" I beganb to say before someone jumped into me and kissed my cheek. "Yes niall i would be honoured to be your girlfriend."She said proudly and with a genuine smile plastered on her face.

I was so relieved i could now call her mine.

Later that evening me and Cassie had headed over to the other lads house, we wanted to tell them the news. Besides being out of the hospital and all. We arrived to the flat hand in hand, and i began to knock but by the first knock louis was already at the door. "BABIES DID YOU GUYS MAKE BABIES AM I AN UNCLE!'' leave it to louis to shout. I punched him in the arm and he started to rub his arm. I smirked when i had seen how rosy red they were. We pushed our way through and by louis they already knew what happened. " hey there guys hows it going" cassie said walked and hugging each of them with a smile on her face. "We are good thanks" they all said in harmony. She smiled and walked back to me." hey lads i dont know if you heard" they nodded so i am guessing they did. I didnt want to press them about how they knew because i was to happy to ruin the moment.

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